Blue Jays are well-known for their brash personalities that seem to be in direct conflict with their beautiful appearance. Indeed, Blue Jays are bolder than most birds, but many consider these birds with mohawks to be meaner than other birds as well. Is this assertion justified – are Blue Jays mean, and if so, why are Blue Jays mean?
No, Blue Jays are not inherently mean. Sure, they may not be the nicest to other birds when there’s food on the line, but Blue Jays can usually peacefully coexist with smaller birds. The simple fact is that most people have a skewed view of Blue Jays because they form their judgment of them based on how they act at bird feeders.
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Blue Jays are members of the corvid family – the same family as crows and magpies. This means that they’re very intelligent birds. Alas, this brain power doesn’t always earn them fanfare, as their intelligence makes some perceive them as cunning, mischievous birds.
So, are Blue Jays mean? Ultimately, this is a matter of your perspective, but know that Blue Jays are not inherently mean creatures.
Are Blue Jays Aggressive?
Okay, we’ve established that Blue Jays are not necessarily mean, but are Blue Jays aggressive? After all, meanness is one thing, but aggression is another story entirely. So, are Blue Jays aggressive?
Yes, Blue Jays are more aggressive than most other songbirds. Indeed, anyone who hosts Blue Jays at bird feeders has likely witnessed both interspecific aggression and intraspecific aggression from Blue Jays. In other words, Blue Jays don’t limit their aggression to other, smaller birds. Although they may chase smaller birds away from bird feeders, they will also demonstrate aggression towards other Blue Jays.
Now, Blue Jays are not excessively aggressive birds. In fact, there are plenty of times in which Blue Jays can feed with smaller birds like chickadees or finches at a feeder with no issues. However, there are times when a Blue Jay wants the spoils of a bird feeder to itself. In these instances, Blue Jays may advance toward smaller birds that are feeding and chase them off.
When larger birds such as cardinals or grackles are feeding at bird feeders, Blue Jays don’t frequently try to chase them away, as grackles tend to be more physically imposing than Blue Jays. However, what Blue Jays lack in physicality they make up for with brain power.
Indeed, it’s no secret that Blue Jays are great mimics. Therefore, a trick that some Blue Jays have used to clear a bird feeder of large birds is mimicking the call of a Red-shouldered Hawk. To do this, a Blue Jay hides nearby and makes the vocalization. Birds like cardinals and grackles will then flee the scene, leaving the feeder wide open for the Blue Jay.
Are Blue Jays Aggressive To Humans?
Now that we know that Blue Jays can be aggressive, some may worry about hosting Blue Jays in their yards. After all, some may find it unnerving to regularly host birds like Blue Jays in their yards knowing that they can be aggressive to other birds. However, is this reason enough for people to worry – are Blue Jays aggressive to humans?
If you’re worried about Blue Jays being aggressive, don’t fret – Blue Jays have absolutely no interest in attacking people. Blue Jays surely have a healthy fear of humans, so they would never want to pick a fight with someone.
Now, Blue Jays may scold a person who approaches their nest too closely. They may even fly towards someone who is intruding on their nest, but it’s not likely that a Blue Jay will strike a person.
Therefore, if you find yourself in a situation in which you’re being scolded by a Blue Jay, make sure that you give the bird plenty of space and leave the area.
Are Blue Jays Friendly To Humans?
Now that you know that Blue Jays present no real danger to people, you may wonder if it’s possible to befriend a Blue Jay. So, are Blue Jays friendly to humans?
Well, Blue Jays should not naturally act friendly towards humans. A typical wild Blue Jay should fly off whenever it is approached by a human. However, you may have seen videos of Blue Jays acting completely unbothered by people, so what is up with this behavior?
A friendly Blue Jay is likely the result of a bird that has grown accustomed to the presence of people. If a Blue Jay develops a habit of visiting a bird feeder, then it may lose its inherent fear of people.
This behavior is not necessarily bad, as bird feeders can provide some benefits to birds. Moreover, some people have even gotten Blue Jays to feed from their hands. Again, this behavior is not detrimental provided that people are being responsible and feeding Blue Jays appropriate food.
That means that people should not feed Blue Jays “people food”. Instead, stick to unsalted peanuts, sunflower seeds, and other bird-appropriate foods.
Are Blue Jays Territorial?
Territoriality is well-documented in many birds and since Blue Jays are known to be rather aggressive, many would also assume that they’re territorial. Let’s settle this, are Blue Jays territorial?
Surprisingly, Blue Jays are not territorial! Of course, a Blue Jay will not take kindly to a bird that gets too close to its nest, but Blue Jays do not establish specific territories as many other birds do.
Therefore, Blue Jays do not seem to exhibit any territorial behaviors. In fact, they are very social birds who enjoy being in the presence of other Blue Jays during most times of the year.
Are Blue Jays Protected?
Those who believe the answer to the question, “Are Blue Jays mean?” is yes may want to remove Blue Jays from their property. Therefore, they may wonder if they can take matters into their own hands. So, are Blue Jays protected?
Yes, Blue Jays are protected, which means that harming a Blue Jay under any circumstance is illegal. Although you may not love Blue Jays, their ecological importance is monumental. For instance, Blue Jays are important seed dispersers. Indeed, Blue Jays are responsible for planting millions of acorns and other seeds annually!