Worldwide Birder

Starling Vs Grackle – How To Tell These Menaces Apart

Distinguishing between a starling vs. grackle can be challenging. Luckily, there are some traits and features that can be used to separate these birds.

Differentiating a starling vs grackle can be challenging. Both a grackle or starling look similar to the untrained eye. What’s more, both starlings and grackles are considered to be nuisances by some. Therefore, it can be difficult to separate these two birds when they visit your backyard. Not to worry – this guide will describe … Read more

Are Seagulls Protected? A Guide To Seagull Rights

Heerman's Gulls float and drink from a freshwater pond.

Seagulls are perhaps the most despised group of birds, but they’ve done little to warrant such hate. Yes, there are many people who would love to harm seagulls, but before they consider doing so, they should figure out what sort of protections seagulls have. Are seagulls protected? Well, know that seagulls will have different levels … Read more

What Color Are Flamingos When They Are Born? A Full Guide

An immature American Flamingo stands in a lake.

Everyone knows that adult flamingos are a vibrant shade of pink, but what color are flamingos when they are born? Are flamingos born pink?  Contrary to what many believe, flamingos are not inherently pink. These birds are mostly gray when they are born. Flamingo plumage turns to a mix of white, brown, and gray as … Read more

Egret Vs Heron – Uncovering The Facts and Myths

A Snowy Egret forages in a pond as a male Blue-winged Teal enters the image in the bottom left corner.

Egret or heron – what bird am I looking at? This thought commonly goes through the minds of beginning birders, as discerning the difference between egret and heron birds can be challenging. Indeed, both herons and egrets are among the most recognizable birds in the world thanks to their large size and bold plumage. Despite … Read more

Crane Vs. Heron – The Complete Comparison

Distinguishing between a crane vs. heron can be challenging. This Great Blue Heron inhabits many of the same habitats as cranes.

Ah, the timeless debate of crane vs. heron. Cranes and herons are similar-looking birds that have many of the same mannerisms. These birds are often found in comparable habitats, and it can certainly be difficult to distinguish them if you don’t know what you’re looking for. Complicating matters further is the fact that many people … Read more

What Do Magpies Eat? Magpie Diets Exposed

A Taiwan Blue-Magpie feeds on fruit in a tree.

Magpies are resourceful corvids who seem to thrive anywhere thanks to their remarkable abilities to find food. Some dislike magpies due to their behaviors and tendencies, but many are nonetheless curious about what a magpie diet entails. So, what do magpies eat? Before discussing this question, it’s important to know that there are many different … Read more

What Are Magpies? Facts, Myths, and Types of Magpies

A Black-billed Magpie cautiously checks its surroundings from atop a rock.

Many are familiar with magpies thanks to their bold personalities, but what are magpies? These birds are well-known throughout much of their range, but most people who observe them do not know much about these creatures. So, what are magpies? By now all of you have surely figured out that magpies are birds – that … Read more

Do Mockingbirds Mate For Life? The Scandalous Lives Of Mockingbirds

Seeing a Northern Mockingbird is common across much of the United States, and these charismatic creatures often capture the attention of backyard birders with their bold personalities and incessant songs. Indeed, some may grow accustomed to seeing a pair of mockingbirds in their hedges each year, and this may prompt them to wonder about mockingbird … Read more

Lesser Goldfinch Vs American Goldfinch – The Secrets To Successful ID

A male American Goldfinch in nonbreeding plumage sits on a pinecone.

Both Lesser Goldfinches and American Goldfinches are finches native to North America. These birds are common visitors to backyard bird feeders, so knowing how to distinguish a Lesser Goldfinch vs American Goldfinch is an important skill for backyard birders. This article will go in-depth as we explore the differences between an American Goldfinch vs Lesser … Read more

House Sparrow Vs House Finch – The Fascinating Differences

A female House Sparrow perches on a dead twig.

House Sparrows and House Finches are among the most common birds at backyard bird feeders across the United States. Both House Sparrow and House Finch ranges cover most of North America, so knowing the difference between a House Sparrow vs House Finch can be useful. Although separating finches and sparrows is more difficult than separating … Read more