Worldwide Birder

Do Penguins Lay Eggs? A Look At Penguin Reproduction

An Emperor Penguin chick is warmed under the blubber of a parent.

Many people are aware of the strange characteristics of penguins. These black and white birds cannot fly, instead being powerful swimmers that are adept at navigating oceans. Given the bizarre features of these birds, some would not be surprised if they didn’t lay eggs.  The first thing that those interested in penguin reproduction should know … Read more

Do Birds Have Balls? An Investigation Of Bird Testicles

A Philadelphia Vireo scans below its forested perch.

Birds are incredible creatures with some of the most remarkable adaptations known to science. However, having the ability to fly comes with its tradeoffs. Thus, birds have had to sacrifice many things commonplace in creatures such as mammals. I’ll let you in on a secret: most birds do not have penises. Shocking, right? But what … Read more

When Do Geese Lay Eggs? A Complete Guide

An adult Canada Goose and 5 goslings sit in the grass.

Whether you’re a prospective goose owner, a fan of goslings, or simply an outdoor enthusiast, you may be curious about the reproductive cycle of geese. So, when do geese lay eggs? Geese lay eggs when they have reached the point of sexual maturity. Wild geese coordinate the time in which they lay eggs to the … Read more

Why Do Geese Honk When They Fly? Here’s The Truth

A group of Greater White-fronted Geese descends on a lake.

Anyone who has spent even the slightest bit of time outdoors has surely noticed a flock of geese flying in unison overhead. Some may think that the incessant vocalizations by these waterfowl are simply made to tease humans below. Those who have noticed these birds have undoubtedly observed that they make noise in flight, but … Read more

Do Geese Fly At Night? How Can They See?

A group of Greater White-fronted Geese fly overhead.

If you’ve ever been out for a stroll at night and suddenly heard a goose honking overhead, you may have some questions about their nocturnal tendencies. For instance, do geese fly at night? Geese do fly at night. While people may not be able to see geese flying at night, you may be able to … Read more

Do Hawks Eat Owls? The Disturbing Truth

A Sharp-shinned Hawk sits on a branch with its mouth open.

When you consider birds of prey, an image of a hawk or owl likely comes to mind, and for good reason. Hawks and owls are both formidable predators capable of taking down a variety of prey, but hawks are more visible to us diurnal creatures. Given the impressive abilities of hawks, some wonder if they … Read more

Do Owls Come Out During The Day?

A Northern Saw-whet Owl sits placidly in a cedar tree.

Owls are mystical birds famed for their elusive natures and captivating appearances. Alas, few are lucky enough to get a good look at an owl during the day. Why is that – do owls come out during the day? If not, then when do owls come out? Yes, owls do come out during the day. … Read more

Do Geese Eat Fish – What Do Geese Like To Eat?

A blue Snow Geese preens its feathers.

Geese are often seen floating on ponds and wetlands throughout the world. These birds have webbed feet and are closely tied to water, so do geese eat fish in their aquatic habitats?  No, geese do not eat fish. Even though fish are found in the vast majority of aquatic habitats in which geese survive, these … Read more

Do Crows Eat Other Birds? The Disturbing Truth

Do crows eat other birds? Here, a Fish Crow feasts on a fruit.

Crows are renowned for their versatile diets and abilities to seemingly eat anything. Indeed, there are few foods that crows will not eat, but how far will crows go to get a bite to eat? Do crows eat other birds – would they dare to go this far? Yes, crows are known to consume other … Read more