Worldwide Birder

Are There Penguins In Alaska? The Mystery of Alaska Penguins

Are there penguins in Alaska? Alaska seems like it would be a good place for these birds. Here, an Emperor Penguin stands on snow.

Most people know that there are several species of penguins in Antarctica, but many are uncertain about whether or not there are penguins on the other side of the globe. For instance, do they have any penguins in Alaska? Alaska would seemingly be a good place to support penguins, as this massive state features plenty … Read more

Penguins In Chile – Species Guides and Popular Penguin Spots

Penguins in Chile are found in a diverse array of climates. Here, a Humboldt Penguin sits atop a rock.

The long, skinny confines of Chile have hosted more than 550 bird species. The nation is largely shaped by the Andes Mountains, with the non-mountainous regions of Chile supporting deserts, evergreen forests, and more. Chile is certainly not the first place that comes to mind when people consider penguins, but are there penguins in Chile? … Read more

Do Owls Migrate? Examining Owl Migration Facts and Myths

Do owls migrate? Here, an owl flies through the air.

Although owls are cryptic raptors, many birders are keenly aware when an owl is present around their property. Owls may be detected thanks to their calls, or a birder may stumble across an owl roost with lots of pellets and whitewash. Whatever the case, some have observed that owls are seemingly not present on their … Read more

Do Vultures Attack Humans? Here’s What You Need To Know

Do vultures attack humans? Here, two vultures stand on the ground next to one another.

Vultures are birds of prey on which humans have fixated for centuries. They are the subject of much mythology and folklore. For instance, take the story of the Miraculous Twins for example. Indeed, vultures have long captivated humans, with some cultures revering them and others fearing them. Some may have heard stories about vultures attacking … Read more

Woodpeckers In Arkansas – 8 Excellent Woodpecker Species (With Photos!)

The woodpeckers in Arkansas make themselves at home in the extensive forests of the state. Here, a Pileated Woodpecker scoots up a tree.

Although those who don’t live in Arkansas may not realize it, more than half of the state is covered in forest. This habitat is concentrated in the western, central, and southern portions of the state. While many birds do not thrive in such habitat, these forested areas are very appealing to woodpeckers in Arkansas. Indeed, … Read more