Worldwide Birder

Woodpeckers In Arkansas – 8 Excellent Woodpecker Species (With Photos!)

The woodpeckers in Arkansas make themselves at home in the extensive forests of the state. Here, a Pileated Woodpecker scoots up a tree.

Although those who don’t live in Arkansas may not realize it, more than half of the state is covered in forest. This habitat is concentrated in the western, central, and southern portions of the state. While many birds do not thrive in such habitat, these forested areas are very appealing to woodpeckers in Arkansas. Indeed, … Read more

Woodpeckers in Alabama – Revealing 8 Alabama Woodpeckers (With Photos!)

Downy Woodpeckers are the smallest woodpeckers in Alabama. Here, one looks petite as it sits on a fallen log.

Many are shocked to discover the extent to which Alabama is forested. Indeed, about 70% of the state is covered in trees. Much of the southern part of the state is covered in loblolly pine forests, while the northern part of the state begins to transition into the deciduous foothills of the Appalachian Mountains. While … Read more

Woodpeckers In Georgia – 8 Wonderful Woodpeckers (With Photos!)

Red-bellied Woodpeckers are the most common of the woodpeckers in Georgia. Here, a male climbs on a fallen log.

Many who live in Georgia are very interested in the fascinating array of birds that may come to a yard to visit bird feeders. The usual suspects likely include common backyard birds in Georgia such as chickadees, nuthatches, finches, and House Sparrows. But what about woodpeckers – are there woodpeckers in Georgia? Yes, woodpeckers are … Read more

Florida Birds of Prey – Powerful Florida Raptors (With Photos!)

Swallow-tailed Kites such as this one are one of many birds of prey in Florida.

Florida is among the premier birding locations for those hoping to observe raptors. Indeed, 28 Florida birds of prey (excluding Florida owls) have been observed in the state. This puts it right up there with the likes of Texas and California regarding the best places to see raptors in the United States. Although Florida birds … Read more

Birds In Kerala – 22 Beautiful Kerala Birds (With Photos!)

Birds in Kerala are remarkably diverse. Here, a Greater Hornbill flies through the air.

Birding in Kerala is an unforgettable experience, as the state is home to more than 350 breeding birds including some endangered birds in India that can be found nowhere else. Additionally, more than 550 birds in Kerala have been observed, giving it the 8th-highest species total out of the states in India. Overall, the state … Read more

How To Attract Bluebirds In Texas – A Guide To 3 Types of Bluebirds

The bluebirds in Texas are diverse, as the state is home to three species. Here, a male Eastern Bluebird sits in a tree.

Bluebirds are cheerful, sweet-looking birds that visit the backyards of many in North America, but are there bluebirds in Texas? Yes! Like their robin cousins, bluebirds are most common in Texas during winter. Many landowners are keenly aware of the presence of bluebirds on their land, but some may struggle to identify the bluebirds in … Read more