Worldwide Birder

$900,000 to Burrowing Owls & Wind Energy Nightmare for Rare Parrots

An Orange-bellied Parrot looks out for danger as it perches on a tree branch. This species has been the center of recent endangered bird updates.

Many of our favorite birds are faced with immense challenges that prevent their prosperity. It can be difficult to keep up with recent news about endangered bird species. Fortunately, I’ve put together this segment that highlights important happens in the bird world.  I’ll tell you about wealthy Burrowing Owls, imperiled Orange-bellied Parrots, adaptable Hooded Plovers, … Read more

What Do Wild Turkeys Eat In The Wild?

What do Wild Turkeys eat in the wild? Here, a Wild Turkey is slowly walking through a park.

When you think about birds that visit your Yard for a bite to eat, beautiful songbirds like cardinals, Blue Jays, or hummingbirds may come to mind. But most backyard birders fail to consider the diets of the biggest avian backyard visitor in North America: the Wild Turkey! You’ve come to the right place if you’re … Read more

How Do Ducks Float? The Special Adaptations of Ducks

A male Blue-winged Teal swims on a lake, but can ducks float? This duck certainly seems to be floating.

Ducks are among the most fascinating birds. From their unusual (and disturbing) mating habits to their cute and quirky mannerisms, ducks have long captivated humans. Anyone who has spent time near ponds, lakes, or even oceans have surely seen a duck floating on the water’s surface before. This sight may prompt some to wonder, “How … Read more

Woodpeckers In Michigan – Complete Guide To 8 Michigan Woodpeckers

A male Red-bellied Woodpecker looks inquisitive as it grabs onto a tree, Red-bellied Woodpeckers are one of 8 woodpeckers in Michigan.

Although Michigan supports a great diversity of birds such as finches and owls, the state is rather average concerning woodpeckers. While some articles claim that Michigan has 10 native woodpeckers, the reality is that only 8 species are expected in the state. Still, eight types of woodpeckers in Michigan are nothing to scoff at. This … Read more

What Do Pigeons Eat? Revealing The Remarkable Pigeon Diet

What do pigeons eat? Here, a Rock Pigeon stands on a table and looks for food.

Anyone who has spent time in a big city can confirm that a pigeon diet is remarkably diverse. Indeed, these creatures will have been recorded consuming a baffling amount of different foods. Many pigeons have grown so accustomed to eating human foods that most people are unsure as to what these birds eat in the … Read more

Scavenger Birds – 10 Important Birds That Eat Dead Animals

A vulture stands atop the carcass of a deceased elephant. Vultures are certainly birds that eat dead animals.

Seeing roadkill is never a pleasant sight. Fortunately, a fleet of thankless birds is ready to mobilize and clean up carrion. Birds that eat dead animals are called scavenger birds by many. Some cultures revere birds that eat dead animals, while others despise them. No matter your feelings about scavenger birds, there’s no question that … Read more

What Do Blue Jays Eat? The Fascinating Diets Of Blue Jays

What do Blue Jays eat? Here, a Blue Jay grabs an entire peanut.

Blue Jays are instantly recognizable across their range thanks to their dazzling blue coloration and distinctive mohawk. Those who enjoy feeding birds throughout the range of a Blue Jay can tell you that these creatures are regular visitors. Despite this regularity, many are not sure about what Blue Jays eat. The diets of these birds … Read more

Do Hawks Eat Cats? Revealing The Danger Of Hawks To Cats

Do hawks eat cats? Here, a Red-tailed Hawk stares ahead from a tree branch.

Although cats may act aloof and lazy around a house, their hunting credentials are unquestionable. Indeed, these furry felines are a massive problem for birds, as they kill billions of birds and other small animals annually. Although most birds stand no chance against cats, some raptors could seemingly make a meal out of a cat. … Read more