Worldwide Birder

What Do Seagulls Eat? Revealing Shocking Seagull Diets

What do seagulls eat? Here, a group of Black-headed Gulls eat a scrap of food from someone's hand.

Those who know anything about seagulls can tell you that these birds seemingly eat anything. Indeed, people will be hard-pressed to find food that a seagull will not devour. However, some may be curious to know where gulls draw the line. So, what do seagulls eat? I’ll be going through a long laundry list of … Read more

What Do Herons Eat? The Astonishing Diets Of Herons

What do herons eat? Well, here a Great Blue Heron devours a fish head first.

Herons are large birds that eat surprisingly varied diets, in fact, some people will be shocked by things included in a heron diet. Fortunately, the distinct nature of heron diets can be used to separate these birds from similar creatures like cranes. So, what do herons eat? Well, I will get into the diets of … Read more

Finches In Illinois – The Complete Guide To 9 Illinois Finches

A male Purple Finch sits on the end of a branch. Purple Finches are one of 9 regular finches in Illinois.

Although the finches in Illinois are not as exciting as in places such as Michigan or western states, having 9 expected Illinois finches is still considerable. Some species of Illinois finch can be observed daily, while others are irregular and worthy of pursuit by birders. If you’re interested in knowing more about the types of … Read more

Do Hawks Eat Birds? The Truth Is Complicated

Do hawks kill birds? Here, a buzzard holds a pigeon kill.

Hawks are imposing birds of prey capable of eating plenty of different creatures. We know hawks enjoy eating animals like squirrels, mice, and rabbits, but do hawks eat their fellow feathered creatures – do hawks eat birds? Yes, hawks do eat birds! This will come as no surprise to many, especially if you’ve read some … Read more

Do Squirrels Eat Birds? Revealing The Ugly Truth

Do squirrels eat birds? Here, a squirrel eats peanuts from a bird house.

When most people consider relationships between birds and squirrels, they typically think of birds eating squirrels. Indeed, many can recall a time in which they’ve watched a hawk attack a squirrel – I’ve certainly seen this happen on many occasions. However, few consider that squirrels are also well-equipped to hunt birds. So, do squirrels eat birds? … Read more

What Do Bluebirds Eat? Here’s How To Attract Bluebirds

What do bluebirds eat? Here, an Eastern Bluebird grasps a small worm in its bill.

Bluebirds are a special, small group of three bird species that are beloved by many in North America. These dazzling small blue birds nest in birdhouses and wow people with their stunning colors. Naturally, many wish to know about a typical bluebird diet so they can attract these birds. So, what do bluebirds eat? Well, … Read more

Phillip Island Penguins – How To Enjoy The Penguin Parade

A Little Penguin swims through clear water. Little Penguins are the only species of Phillip Island penguins.

Those who live around Melbourne, Australia are doubtlessly familiar with the renowned Phillip Island Penguins that can be observed nearby. However, others around the world are not likely to be aware of the incredible penguin spectacle that occurs on Phillip Island every night. Luckily, I will reveal where to view Phillip Island penguins while discussing … Read more