Worldwide Birder

How and Where Do Geese Sleep? The Secrets of Goose Slumber

Where do geese sleep? Well, here we have six white domestic geese sleeping in a shallow pond.

Many goose species are experiencing population surges like never before thanks to the intense modifications that humans have made to landscapes. Nevertheless, life as a goose can be stressful, as hunters and predators are constantly trying their best to devour these creatures. So, how do geese sleep in spite of these challenges? Moreover, where do … Read more

Do Hawks Attack Humans? Why Are Hawks Aggressive To People?

A hawk takes off from a utility wire. Do hawks attack humans?

Hawks are prominent figures in the legends and folklore of many different cultures. Indeed, these raptors have been revered by humans for centuries. Looking at these birds’ large, piercing talons and sharp beaks is enough to make anyone respect them. Respecting hawks is one thing, but fearing hawks is another matter. Are hawks dangerous to … Read more

How Do Penguins Mate? The Complete Guide To Penguin Love

How do penguins mate? Here, two penguins nuzzle up to one another.

Picture this: It’s date night and you and your partner have found yourselves in a frigid, barren landscape strewn with rocks, ice, and snow. Romantic, right? Although this may seem like a dreadful place to find love, several penguin species have to contend with these conditions yearly when penguin mating season comes around. But how … Read more

When Do Swallows Arrive In The UK – Complete Guide To British Swallow Migration

A Barn Swallow perches on a balcony. Knowing when do swallows arrive in UK can help you to understand these birds.

Swallows are special UK birds that delight residents with their aerial acrobatics and insectivorous diets. Those who observe UK swallows may know that these birds are migratory, meaning they are absent in the UK for much of the year. So, when do swallows arrive in the UK? Swallows typically return to the United Kingdom when … Read more

Woodpeckers In Indiana – 7 Indiana Woodpeckers (With Photos)

A Red-headed Woodpecker scales up a large tree. They are one of seven woodpeckers in Indiana.

Those who have taken a walk through a forested area in Indiana were likely met with the sounds of pecking on trees. Some may assume that woodpeckers are responsible for those sounds, but are there woodpeckers in Indiana? Yes, there are seven common types of woodpeckers in Indiana! However, these creatures can be rather elusive … Read more

Puffins In Ireland – Where To See Puffins In Ireland

Four Puffins look around and assess their surroundings. There are several good places to see puffins in Ireland.

Puffins are charming seabirds with beautiful colours and goofy appearances. Although many Irishmen and Irishwomen are familiar with puffins, most are unsure about where they can observe these creatures. Are there puffins in Ireland, and if so, is there a list that details where to see puffins in Ireland? Those living in Ireland will be … Read more

The 6 Types Of Rosellas – The Complete Guide

A pair of Eastern Rosellas sit in a tree. There are 6 types of Rosellas in Australia.

Rosellas are largely unknown to much of the world, but Aussies are quite familiar with these dazzling parrots. Rosellas are among the most beautiful birds in the world, being adorned with stunning shades of blue, red, green, and yellow. Although plenty recognize the beauty of rosellas, few know many additional details about these birds. For … Read more

What Do Kookaburras Eat? How To Attract Kookaburras

A Laughing Kookaburra holds a mouse in its beak.

Kookaburras are large, raucous birds that have a reputation for being lovable yet mischievous. They are members of the kingfisher family, but these birds are so much more than fishermen. Although kookaburras are not colourful like Australian parrots such as rosellas or lorikeets, many Aussies would nonetheless love to have kookaburras in their backyards. Of … Read more

The Complete Guide To Nesting, Diets, and Behaviour of British Wagtails

A White Wagtail assesses its surroundings as it stands on the ground.

Wagtails are a regular sight throughout the United Kingdom. Many would immediately recognize these songbirds, yet few know basic ecological information about wagtails. Questions like “What do wagtails eat?” and “Where do wagtails nest?” are not common knowledge. Fortunately, I’ve set out to address frequently asked questions such as these within this introductory guide to … Read more