Geese are often seen floating on ponds and wetlands throughout the world. These birds have webbed feet and are closely tied to water, so do geese eat fish in their aquatic habitats?
No, geese do not eat fish. Even though fish are found in the vast majority of aquatic habitats in which geese survive, these birds do not consume fish. If you see a goose eating something in a pond, they are likely eating aquatic plants.
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Although geese generally do not eat fish, many can’t help but wonder if certain goose species enjoy a fish occasionally. For instance, do Canada Geese eat fish?
Do Canada Geese Eat Fish?
Canada Geese are among the most familiar geese in the world. Many are familiar with the sight of them grazing on grass, but do Canada Geese eat fish on occasion?
No, just like other goose species, Canada Geese do not eat fish. At least, they do not intentionally consume fish, but can geese eat fish?
Indeed, some Canada Geese may incidentally gobble up a small fish when feeding on submerged vegetation, but the do not purposely target fish.
Do Baby Geese Eat Fish?
What do baby geese eat after they’ve hatched out of their eggs? Can geese eat fish when they’re babies, and if not, what do baby geese eat?
Baby geese are like adults in that they do not eat fish. Goslings are precocial, meaning they can walk around almost immediately after hatching from their eggs. Therefore, goslings begin eating the same foods as adults as soon as they start walking.

Why Don’t Geese Eat Fish?
Do geese eat fish? We now know that the answer to that question is no, but what do geese like to eat? Moreover, why don’t geese eat fish?
There are many reasons why geese do not consume fish, but the primary reason is that geese are not adapted to capture or process fish.
Geese tend to be fairly large birds that are not as nimble in the water as many fish-eating duck species. Most geese could dive underwater if necessary, but they wouldn’t be able to capture a fish during a dive.
Another reason why geese cannot eat fish is that geese cannot process fish. Geese primarily consume grains and grasses, so meat is not typically on the menu for these birds. A goose may eat insects or a dead fish every now and then, but they rarely seek out these food items intentionally.
Where Do Geese Eat?
Geese spend much of their days eating, as evidenced by the vast amounts of goose poop that are commonly encountered in urban areas. Geese will eat just about anywhere. These birds may be observed eating on golf courses, in harvested agricultural fields, and around lakes and marshes.
They are sure to spend much of their days chomping away regardless of where they eat.
Are All Geese Herbivores?
Given that grains and grasses comprise the bulk of a goose’s diet, it can be asserted that these birds are natural herbivores. Herbivores only consume plant-based materials and do not eat meat, so geese certainly fit the bill.
You may be surprised to learn that geese are herbivorous by nature. It’s true, and although some duck species consume fish and other small animals, geese eat a strict diet of plant matter.
Though geese are waterfowl just like ducks, geese have different diets than their duck relatives. If a goose were to eat a fish, it would have a difficult time digesting the fish because a goose’s digestive tract is not prepared to process a meal such as a fish.
All geese are naturally herbivores. Look at a goose’s beak to see evidence that geese have evolved to eat plant materials. A goose’s beak is lined with rough, tooth-like ridges that help these birds efficiently cut grass before consuming this material.
If you’ve ever been to a public park, you may have noticed people feeding bread to geese and ducks. Though these feathered creatures surely ate the bread, this food is unhealthy for geese and other waterfowl to consume. Indeed, geese are unable to digest the compounds in bread, making it dangerous for these birds to eat.

What Do Geese Eat In The Winter?
What do geese eat in the winter months when grass is scarce? Well, geese are still not likely to eat fish during the winter despite grass being covered by snow in many places where geese live.
During the winter, geese frequently feed on grains to satiate themselves. Groups of geese will often fly between harvested agricultural fields and bodies of water during this time of year. They will eat in the fields and rest once they get to the water. The grains that geese primarily eat during this time of year include corn, soybeans, and wheat.
I’ve now reiterated several times that geese are herbivores, but do geese eat meat on any occasion?
Do Geese Eat Meat?
Alright, so we know that fish are not on the menu for geese, but do geese eat meat of any kind?
As you may have guessed, geese do not regularly consume any meat. This is because geese have not evolved to process and digest any animal species.
This does not mean that a goose will not accidentally ingest some sort of creature. Indeed, these birds may even eat insects and small fish on purpose in some cases, but this behavior is quite rare.

Do Geese Eat Fish In Captivity?
You may be wondering if geese in captivity have different eating habits than their wild counterparts. For instance, do geese eat minnows in captivity? Let’s investigate the question, “Do geese eat fish when in a captive environment?”.
While some geese may certainly eat fish in captivity from time to time, it is unlikely that any captive geese are frequent fish eaters. Like wild geese, captive geese have not evolved the digestive tracts necessary to process fish.
A captive goose that is routinely fed fish is in danger of developing health problems related to its diet. Geese should be fed grains and grasses, as fish are not natural components of a goose’s diet.
Still, many people are hesitant to have geese in their ponds. Do geese eat fish in ponds?
Do Geese Eat Fish In Ponds?
Many landowners are hesitant to allow geese to swim in their fish ponds out of fear that the geese will consume the fish. Do geese eat fish in ponds?
It is reasonable for pond owners to be concerned about their fish, but remember that geese do not eat fish. Therefore, it is safe for landowners to allow both domestic and wild geese to enjoy their fishing ponds. Therefore, there is no need to worry if a group of Canada Geese—often erroneously called “Canadian Geese”—descends on your pond.
Some landowners may even welcome the presence of geese near a fishing pond, as they’ll graze on lawns and do an efficient job of keeping the grass short.
What Birds Do Fish?
We know that geese do not eat fish, so if geese don’t eat fish, then what bird species consume these scaly creatures?

Plenty of bird species regularly consume fish, but geese are not in the company of these birds. Here are some well-known birds that are piscivorous:
- Penguins
- Kingfishers
- Terns
- Gulls
- Ducks
- Cormorants
- Pelicans
- Herons
The list could go on for quite a while, but these are some of the most notable fishing-eating birds.
Some of these species are obligate pescatarians, eating little aside from fish. Penguins, kingfishers, loons, cormorants, and pelicans fit the bill for these birds.
Other bird species like gulls and herons regularly consume fish, but they also consume a wide variety of other food items.
In the case of ducks, only certain duck species consume fish. Diving ducks like mergansers, scaups, and goldeneyes eat large quantities of fish, but dabbling ducks like Mallards, teal, and wigeons do not.
Conclusion – Do Geese Eat Fish?
So, do geese eat fish? It has now been established that geese do not eat fish. Instead, geese are naturally herbivorous and favor food such as grass and grains. If a goose eats a fish, it is a rare occurrence that may have been an accident.
Captive geese are no different than wild geese-both types of geese consume grasses and grains rather than fish. Landowners do not need to worry about geese consuming any of the fish that they may have in their fish ponds.