Hawks are imposing birds of prey capable of eating plenty of different creatures. We know hawks enjoy eating animals like squirrels, mice, and rabbits, but do hawks eat their fellow feathered creatures – do hawks eat birds?
Yes, hawks do eat birds! This will come as no surprise to many, especially if you’ve read some of my other articles about hawks eating owls. Indeed, hawks will eat a wide array of creatures that are smaller than them, and birds are no exception.
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Of course, it’s important to keep in mind that not all hawks are created equal, as some hawks are far more apt to capture birds than others. For instance, hawks in the Accipiter genus have slender bodies, long tails, and rounded wings. These traits make Accipiters effective bird hunters, as they can easily overtake birds in surprise attacks.
Although accipiters may be able to hunt birds with relative ease, there are many other hawk species, and these species are not able to hunt birds as easily. Nevertheless, any hawk will eat a bird if given a good opportunity to do so.
Now that I have confirmed that hawks eat birds, let’s investigate the reason why hawks may consume other birds. Why do hawks eat other birds?
Why Do Hawks Eat Birds?
Some may seem disturbed by the idea of hawks eating birds considering that they’re birds themselves, but this is not surprising behavior from these raptors. Let’s further investigate the reasons why hawks dine on other birds; why do hawks eat birds?
Hawks eat birds for a variety of reasons. In the case of Accipiters, they eat birds because they have specifically evolved to do so. Meanwhile, other hawk species may eat birds if another bird presents an easy opportunity for a meal. However, species such as Red-tailed Hawks will have a much harder time capturing a bird since they cannot maneuver as easily as an Accipiter such as a Cooper’s Hawk.
In any case, other birds are important meals for hawks, as they offer nourishment and protein that can satiate a hawk for several days. Although adult birds can be difficult to capture, inexperienced or injured birds often make for easy meals.
What Birds Do Hawks Eat?
Do Hawks Eat Baby Birds?
Most animals that eat birds especially love eating baby birds, as these petite creatures are usually easy to capture. So, are hawks included among those who eat baby birds? Do hawks eat baby birds?
Yes, hawks do eat baby birds. However, they are not as big predators of nestlings as squirrels are. Instead, hawks are more likely to pursue birds that have recently fledged, as birds in this stage in this stage of their lives are awkward and vulnerable to predation. Moreover, they offer a more substantial meal compared to nestlings.
Yes, birds that have recently fledged are quite prone to hawk attacks, with this being the most vulnerable time in the lives of most birds.
Do Hawks Eat Hummingbirds?
Hummingbirds are adored by birders in the Americas, as these tiny birds come in an astonishing variety of gorgeous colors. Yes, many enjoy feeding hummingbirds in their backyards, but do birders need to worry about hawks killing hummingbirds? Do hawks eat hummingbirds?
Yes, a hawk would eat a hummingbird if given the chance. This may anger those who enjoy observing hummingbirds but don’t despair. In reality, hawks rarely get a chance to eat hummingbirds, as these birds are simply too fast for most raptors to capture. Moreover, most hawks won’t even be interested in consuming hummingbirds since they’re so tiny in the first place.
Ultimately, hummingbirds have far bigger problems to worry about than hawks.
Do Hawks Eat Chickens?
Those who keep poultry have long worried about hawks eating chickens, but do hawks kill chickens? Considering that many birds of prey are referred to as chicken hawks, some assume that there must be some truth to the notion that hawks eat chickens. Let’s investigate this assertion further – do hawks eat chickens?
Yes, hawks do eat chickens on occasion, but they are not as problematic as many make them out to be. After all, chickens are quite vigilant, so it is challenging for hawks to pluck a chicken from an observant group of birds. Moreover, chickens put up more of a fight than many of the prey items that hawks target, so they are certainly not the preferred prey for these creatures.
Now, make no mistake – hawks will still eat chickens occasionally, so chicken owners should be prepared to accept this risk.
Do Hawks Eat Ducks?
Duck owners will have similar concerns about losing their birds to hawks. Moreover, those who enjoy observing wild waterfowl may wonder, “Do hawks kill ducks?”. I’ll discuss the threats that hawks pose to both native and captive waterfowl. So, do hawks eat ducks?
Yes, hawks will absolutely eat both wild and domestic ducks. In the case of domestic ducks, the same situation applies to these birds as domestic chickens: hawks occasionally eat these birds, but such events are uncommon.
Hawks are more likely to attack wild ducks, however, they are less likely to pursue waterfowl compared to birds such as eagles or falcons. Nonetheless, hawks may capture and eat wild ducks in uncommon instances.
Do Hawks Eat Crows?
Crows are the biggest avian adversary for most hawk species, as these corvids regularly chase hawks around and torment them. Many wonder if hawks ever stick up for themselves and fight back against crows. Do hawks eat crows?
Hawks rarely eat crows, as eating one of these birds is typically more trouble than it’s worth. Although crows present a substantial meal for hawks, crows are rarely alone, so a hawk would likely get endlessly harassed if it tried to attack a crow. A hawk is far more likely to attack a young crow compared to an adult.
How To Prevent Hawks From Eating Birds
Now that you know that the answer to, “Do hawks eat birds?” is yes, you may be concerned about what you can do to stop hawks from eating birds in your yard. Indeed, people who enjoy feeding birds won’t want hawks coming into their yards and killing their feathered friends. Indeed, birds that eat from feeders are very vulnerable to hawk attacks. So, what can be done to prevent hawks from eating birds?
Well, if you hawk a Cooper’s Hawk or sparrowhawk hanging around your property, it may be best to simply take a bird feeder down for the time being, as hawks will routinely return to take birds from feeders. Therefore, removing a feeder for a few months may be the best way to prompt a hawk to move elsewhere and leave the birds in your yard alone.
If you do choose to keep a bird feeder up in your yard, it may be good to situate the feeders near a dense shrub so birds can quickly seek refuge if a hawk attacks them.