When you consider birds of prey, an image of a hawk or owl likely comes to mind, and for good reason. Hawks and owls are both formidable predators capable of taking down a variety of prey, but hawks are more visible to us diurnal creatures. Given the impressive abilities of hawks, some wonder if they could make a meal of an owl. So, do hawks eat owls?
Yes, hawks will eat owls if given the chance. Hawks do not seek out owls as major components of their diets. However, hawks are opportunistic feeders. A hawk may prey on an owl if a good opportunity to capture an owl presents itself. Small owls like screech owls, Northern Saw-whet Owls, Elf Owls, and Northern Pygmy-Owls are particularly vulnerable to hawk attacks.
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In addition to eating owls, hawks may eat bats, rats, squirrels, rabbits, mice, voles, snakes, lizards, frogs, other birds, and even cats.
Do Hawks Eat Owls Frequently?
The revelation that hawks eat owls may be shocking to some. Many may now wonder about the extent of these attacks – do hawks eat owls frequently?
Hawks do not frequently prey on owls. When a hawk attacks an owl, it is a rare occurrence. Such encounters have been documented in the past, but hawks usually prefer to target an animal that is smaller in size.

The small owl species previously listed are vulnerable to hawks. Additionally, young birds that recently fledged may get attacked by a hawk. Young owls are often clumsy and reckless, putting themselves in a dangerous position to be depredated by a hawk.
Ultimately, hawks rarely attack owls, but attacks happen enough for hawks to be considered among the animals that eat owls. Knowing when hawks hunt can give a lot of clues about the type of prey that they target. When do hawks hunt owls?
When Do Hawks Hunt?
Hawks are like eagles in that they are diurnal hunters, meaning that these birds do not hunt at night. Many will know that this is the opposite of when owls are active. Given that owls hunt at night and hawks hunt during the day, these birds do not encounter one another frequently despite living in the same natural ecosystems.
Some species such as the Northern Pygmy-Owl are diurnal like hawks, so they may be more susceptible to hawks. Nocturnal owl species are more likely to avoid a hawk encounter since they are usually hidden during the day when hawks are hunting.
How Do Hawks Hunt?
The way that hawks hunt is dependent on the particular species of hawk. Accipiters are bird specialists that rely on the element of surprise and a quick burst of speed to capture prey. Buteos eat a more general diet than Accipiters.
Buteos often hunt by soaring through the sky and dropping down on unsuspecting animals. These birds prey on rodents, reptiles, birds, insects, and more. A hawk may eat their food at the scene or fly off with their prize and consume it elsewhere.
Do Hawks Only Attack Owls To Eat Them?
Do hawks hunt owls to eat them, or what is the motive for such a risky attack? Do hawks attack owls for reasons other than an interest in eating them?

Remember, a hawk attack of any kind on an owl is rare, but these events do happen. That said, a hawk may attack an owl because it wants to eat the bird, but it may be just as likely to confront an owl in an act of territorial defense. Both hawks and owls are quite territorial. Moreover, owls frequently nest in abandoned hawk nests, so this could lead to territorial altercations. A hawk may attack an owl that it feels is infringing on its domain.
An owl is just as likely to lash out at a hawk that it feels is getting too close to its nest. Therefore, territorial disputes between hawks and owls certainly occur. Instances in which eggs are at stake often escalate into aggression.
How Can Owls Defend Against Hawk Attacks?
Unlike the usual quarry of hawks, owls are well-equipped to defend themselves. These nocturnal birds have an
assortment of adaptations that help them to escape or evade attacks from hawks. Let’s take a look:
- Naturally nocturnal: One of the most well-known facts about owls is that most species are nocturnal by nature. Given that hawks are active during the daytime, owls rarely encounter these birds.

- Masters of hiding: Most owls choose secretive, well-concealed roosting spots to hide during the day. These locations protect them from birds that may try to mob them, but they also keep owls safe from threats such as hawks.
- Effective roosting locations are key to helping small owls avoid predation. Although the presence of whitewash below a favored roost tree may reveal the location to humans, hawks rarely find owl roosts.
- Excellent hearing and eyesight: Owls are lacking in senses such as taste and smell, but their hearing and eyesight are exceptional. These senses are usually used to detect prey, but they may also be used to avoid attacks from predators such as hawks.
- Physical defenses: Owls have several behavioral tendencies that help them avoid predation, but they also have physical characteristics that help them to stay alive. Piercing beaks and strong, sharp talons are an owl’s best defense if it does get attacked.
- Another trick that may be utilized involves slapping wings against an attacker. These physical traits may not do a small owl much good against a hawk, but they can help a bigger owl survive the ordeal.
It’s no surprise that owls have plenty of tools for self-defense, but what happens when they go on the offensive – do owls eat hawks?
Do Owls Eat Hawks?
We know that hawks eat owls, but what happens when the tables are turned? Do owls eat hawks if given the chance?
Owls are formidable predators that eat a wide array of food. These creatures consume a wide array of mammals from bats to cats, but they also eat birds from time to time.

Attacking a hawk would doubtlessly present a challenge for most owls, but such attacks are known to happen on rare occasions. So, why do owls kill hawks? Well, first realize that owl species obviously could not take down a hawk. However, larger owls would be up for the challenge. These species could certainly kill a hawk:
- Barred Owl
- Cape Eagle-Owl
- Eurasian Eagle-Owl
- Great Horned Owl
- Snowy Owl
Young hawks particularly at risk. Moreover, some adult hawks are small enough for owls to subdue. Sharp-shinned Hawks or Eurasian Sparrowhawks are easy targets, for instance. However, large birds like the Red-tailed Hawk are not often attacked. If you hear a screech in the night, it could mean that an owl has grabbed a hawk.
It is unlikely that an owl would capture a hawk during the daytime when hawks are active. Hawks tend to be more nimble than owls, and they would easily escape most attacks during the day. Instead, owls hoping to eat a hawk will most likely attack the bird while it’s asleep at night. Most owls won’t attack a hawk unless they’re desperate for a meal or presented with an easy opportunity.
Okay, we know that hawks may eat owls on occasion, but what animals eat owls aside from hawks?
What Else Eats Owls?
We know that hawks are animals that eat owls on occasion, will rarely eat owls, but what eats owls aside from hawks? Well, owls do not have many predators since they are often at the top of the food chain. Other owl species are often the biggest threat to some owl species. For instance, perhaps the most notable predator of the Barn Owl is the Great Horned Owl.
Mammals such as foxes, coyotes, wolves, mountain lions, and bobcats would surely eat an owl if they could catch such as bird. Like hawk attacks, it is rare for these mammals to eat owls. Again, young are probably most susceptible to attacks from these animals.
Conclusion – Do Hawks Eat Owls?
Do hawks eat owls? We now know that the answer to that question is yes, hawks do eat owls on rare occasions. Hawks are active at different times than most owl species, so these birds rarely encounter one another. Additionally, most hawks don’t try to hunt owls because of the risk that they pose. Instead, they prefer smaller food.