Those whose bird feeders are raided by squirrels may ask themselves, “Do hawks eat squirrels?”. While squirrels are beloved by many, they can also be a nuisance to those who enjoy feeding birds in their backyards. Moreover, squirrels have even been known to attack birds in some cases. These reasons may prompt you to ask, “Will a hawk eat a squirrel?”.
Yes, hawks do eat squirrels. However, not all species will consume squirrels. Squirrels make up a substantial portion of some hawks’ diets, while other hawks are not adapted to hunt squirrels and will not consume these animals.
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That should clear up the question, “Do hawks eat squirrels?”. Now, let’s investigate what hawks eat squirrels.
What Hawks Eat Squirrels?
Okay, so now you know that hawks eat squirrels – great! But you may now wonder which hawk species eat squirrels and which do not. Stick with me and I will go over these details!
If you see a hawk pursuing a squirrel, the hawk that you observed was likely in the Buteo genus. Hawks within the Accipiter genus may consume squirrels on rare occasions, but these birds have evolved to hunt birds rather than squirrels. So, although some may suggest hawks in the Accipiter genus eat squirrels, know that such occurrences are rare.
Hawks within the Buteo genus are adapted to hunt a variety of prey. Small mammals such as squirrels are highly sought by these birds.
Here are some quick-hitters to address what hawks eat squirrels:
Do Red-tailed Hawks eat squirrels? Yes
Do Red-shouldered Hawks eat squirrels? Yes
Do Common Buzzards eat squirrels? Yes
Do Cooper’s Hawks eat squirrels? Occasionally
Do Sparrowhawks Eat Squirrels?
Sparrowhawks are a familiar hawk species for those living in the United Kingdom, Europe, and Asia. Of course, it’s no secret that sparrowhawks eat birds, but some wonder if squirrels are on the menu for these raptors. Do sparrowhawks eat squirrels?
No, sparrowhawks do not tend to eat squirrels. Indeed, these mammals are rarely on the menu for these birds of prey. Instead, sparrowhawks eat a diet of almost exclusively birds.
Do Hawks Eat Dead Squirrels Or Attack Living Squirrels?
Alright, we know that hawks eat squirrels, but you may now be wondering if hawks consume dead or live squirrels. Do hawks hunt squirrels that are both alive and dead?

Since hawks are birds of prey like eagles and vultures, are hawks scavengers too? No, they are not scavengers. Instead, these birds prefer to capture live prey and dispatch their meals themselves.
While hawks may occasion pick at the carcasses of squirrels and larger animal species, it is far more likely that a hawk will attempt to capture a live squirrel using the element of surprise.
Most do not turn to scavenging meals unless they are desperate for a meal.
How Do Hawks Kill Squirrels?
Do hawks hunt in groups to take down squirrels, or how do hawks kill squirrels? Most hawks do not hunt in groups, and the majority can kill a squirrel alone. Here’s how the interactions often go:
When a hawk locates a squirrel, it will take off from its perch and fly towards the animal. If it gets within striking distance, a hawk will reach out its talons and try to grab a squirrel.
Once a hawk gets a squirrel in its grasp, it is unlikely that the mammal will escape.
After a hawk catches a squirrel, it will usually kill the animal by severing its spine following a swift bite to the neck.
Squirrels rarely suffer for very long once they’ve been caught by a hawk. Hawks may kill a squirrel on the ground where they captured the animal, or they may fly off with it and dispatch it at a perch.
Hawks use their sharp beak to remove the skin and bones from the nut-eating creature so they can access the meat.
How Can I Attract Hawks To My Yard?
Those who love feeding the birds and hate seeing them disrupted by squirrels may be wondering about how they can attract hawks to their yards.
The best way to ensure that raptors will routinely visit your yard is to offer nesting habitat. Hawks like to nest in tall, dense trees where their young are sheltered from wind and predators.

Therefore, hawks may very well nest in your yard and consume many of the squirrels that frequent your bird feeders you have tall coniferous trees or tall deciduous trees with substantial leaf cover.
Keep in mind that having such cover may entice an assortment of hawk species to visit your yard. You may attract some buteos that could eat squirrels, but you may also attract accipiters that may eat the birds in your yard. However, those who have lots of House Sparrows in their yards can view this as a positive.
Many hawk species keep a low profile to avoid birds such as crows. Therefore, listen for hawk screeches to key you in on their presence.
What Other Food Do Hawks Eat?
We now know that hawks do–in fact–eat squirrels, but what do hawks eat aside from squirrels?
Let’s start with hawks within the Accipiter genus. These raptors primarily consume other birds given that they are built to snatch prey following a surprise attack. Accipiters may even grab birds such as owls.
Hawks within the Buteo genus eat a more variable diet. Buteos consume small mammals like squirrels, but they also consume reptiles, amphibians, and birds.
When Do Hawks Hunt?
Hawks are diurnal, so they only hunt during the light of day. Hawks do not hunt at night, as they instead find a place to roost and sleep during this time.
Hawks may hunt at any point during the day. However, these birds of prey are limited by their need for light. Therefore, they are not capable of hunting when lighting is poor since they rely on vision so heavily. Hawks frequently consume squirrels because many species also happen to be active during the day.

So, do hawks eat squirrels? Well, you can now be confident that the answer to that question is yes.
Remember, just because some hawks eat squirrels doesn’t mean that all eat squirrels. Hawks within the Accipiter genus tend to avoid eating squirrels, while those within the Buteo genus enjoy eating squirrels.
Hawks may very well eat the squirrels in your yard if you have any of these birds around. However, know that hawks also consume a variety of other mammals. Next time you have a pesky squirrel at your bird feeder, you can hope that a hawk will swoop in and take care of the issue.