Hawks are powerful creatures that have earned respect among many. Indeed, some humans even fear hawks because of their intimidating appearance, and although hawks are harmless to humans, a hawk flying around in the darkness of night is an intimidating thought. However, some wonder if rumors of hawks hunting at night are just fiction. So, when are hawks most active – do hawks hunt at night?
Hawks do not hunt at night. Though some may suggest that hawks do hunt at night, the reality is that hawks are not adapted to hunt at this time. Hawks are diurnal hunters, meaning they are active during the day. Hawks are not nocturnal like owls, so they do not hunt at night.
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Okay, we know that–generally speaking–hawks do not hunt at night. However, do hawks fly at night or do hawks sleep at night?

Do Any Hawks Hunt At Night?
No hawk species have evolved to hunt exclusively during the night, so you needn’t worry about experiencing a hawk attack during the night. Although no hawks hunt at night, some species may hunt at dawn or dusk when light is minimal. However, these hawks tend to struggle to hunt if it is any darker than these conditions.
The Bat Hawk is one hawk that thrives during dawn and dusk hours. Indeed, these birds may even hunt into the night if they have enough moonlight. However, in the absence of light, hawks are not able to reliably hunt at night.
What About Nighthawks?
After reading that hawks do not hunt at night, you may be curious to know about nighthawks. After all, the names of these birds suggest that they are active during the night, so do hawks hunt at night after all?
While nighthawks are often active during the night, they are not a true species of hawk. In fact, these birds are not closely related to hawks, instead being members of the nightjar family. Most species in the nightjar family are nocturnal or crepuscular, but since they are not true hawks, this does not change the fact that hawks do not hunt at night.
Why Don’t Hawks Hunt At Night?
So, why don’t hawks hunt at night? Many small mammals that hawks consume are most active at night, so why don’t hawks take advantage of this apparent buffet and hunt at night?
Well, just as humans cannot see very well during the night, hawks are not adapted for life in the dark. Hawks rely on light to illuminate their surroundings and allow them to see.
Birds like owls have evolved to thrive during the night hours, as their huge eyes give them great night vision and exceptional hearing to help guide them through the darkness of night. However, the tradeoff for owls is that most species aren’t adapted to come out during the day. But what about hawks – can hawks see at night?
Hawks have not evolved eyesight that allows them to see in the dark, and their hearing is nowhere close to as good as that of owls. Given that hawks and owls are active at different times, they rarely encounter one another.
Can Hawks See In The Dark?
All nocturnal birds can see in the dark to some capacity, but what about hawks – can hawks see in the dark?
As you just read, perhaps the biggest reason that explains why hawks don’t hunt at night is because these birds have poor night vision.
Hawks are capable of seeing at night to some capacity just as humans are, but on cloudy, moonless nights, a hawk would struggle mightily if forced to take flight.
Hawks probably have night vision that is just slightly better than that of a human, but this vision is not sufficient to allow these birds to hunt at night.
A Hawk’s night vision is a liability to these birds of prey. The best thing for a hawk to do at night would be to hunker down and stay out of the way of skilled nocturnal predators such as owls.

What Do Hawks Do At Night?
If hawks don’t hunt at night then what do they do when the light fades to darkness? The answer to this question is simple – hawks hunker down and sleep during the night.
At dusk, these birds of prey locate a place to sleep for the night. Hawks are not able to sleep anywhere like seagulls or pigeons. Rather, these birds select perches in trees for their sleeping locations. The type of perch will vary by species, but generally, Accipiters will roost in the cover of a dense tree, while Buteos will choose a perch that does not offer as much protection.
Buteos often roost towards the top of large snags during the night. Some hawk species may routinely use the same nightly roost for an extended period of time.
When the first light arrives the next morning, hawks will once again become active for the day. However, hawks will do little other than sleep and rest in the interim. It is unlikely that they will move around or screech during the night.
When Do Hawks Hunt?
Hawks are diurnal, so most of the activities that they engage in will take place during the day. However, when do hawks hunt?
Well, hawks only hunt when there is enough light to illuminate their surroundings. Buteos tend to wait until mid-morning to begin hunting since they often hunt as they cruise around on thermals. Thermals are usually best from mid-morning until mid-afternoon, so this is a popular time for buteos to hunt.
Accipiters have a different hunting style than buteos. These predators rely on their quickness and the element of surprise when hunting, so they may hunt at any point during the day.
Some species of hawks may enjoy hunting during dawn or dusk, as small mammals may be more active at this time than during other parts of the day.
When a hawk spots a potential prey item, it swoops down from a perch and tries to capture the prey in its talons.
What Do Hawks Eat?
Hawks catch a variety of different organisms depending on their specific genera and species. Since all hawks are obligate carnivores, you can be assured that the food that they consume will be some sort of meat.
Here are some common types of prey for hawks:
- Small mammals
- Amphibians
- Large insects
- Lizards and snakes
- Other birds

Buteos and Accipiters pursue different prey since they are built differently and have different hunting styles. Buteos consume a more general diet than Accipiters, eating small mammals like squirrels, insects, amphibians, reptiles, and other birds. Accipiters, on the other hand, primarily consume other species of birds.
Many pet owners worry that a hawk will attack one of their pets. While there are plenty of instances of hawks preying on pets, this behavior is not common.
Hawks are only capable of killing small animals like a young cat or a very tiny dog. If owners are worried about something happening to their pet, they can simply keep their animal safe indoors when it doesn’t need to be outside.
Conclusion – Do Hawks Hunt At Night?
Do hawks hunt at night? We now know that the answer to this question is no.
Hawks are diurnal, so all of the hunting that they do is done during the light of day. While there are birds such as nighthawks that hunt at night, these birds are not truly hawks, as they do not belong to the Buteo or Accipiter genera.
During the nighttime, hawks find a roost in which they can sleep. When light breaks the next day, hawks will once again become active and soon start searching for their next meal.
Let’s wrap this article up by reviewing some key points:
- Do hawks hunt at night? No
- Are hawks nocturnal hunters? No
- Do hawks fly at night? No
- Do hawks sleep at night? Yes