Owls are mystical birds famed for their elusive natures and captivating appearances. Alas, few are lucky enough to get a good look at an owl during the day. Why is that – do owls come out during the day? If not, then when do owls come out?
Yes, owls do come out during the day. Even though most owls are active at night, these birds of prey will come out during the day for a variety of reasons. Some owls are even naturally diurnal!
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Now that you know that seeing owls during the day is a possibility, you might have more questions about owl behavior. For instance, when do owls come out during the day? Moreover, what do owls do during the day?
Well, these questions and more will be addressed in the remainder of the article, so keep reading to learn about owls in daytime!
When Are Owls Active?
Many of us have heard owls hooting in the darkness of night, while it does not seem that hearing an owl during the day is a common occurrence. However, do owls only come out at night, or are owls active during the day in some cases?
Most owl species are naturally nocturnal, being primarily active at night. This is a widely known fact, but what time do owls come out at night, exactly?
Although it would be terrific if owls consistently became active at the same time, know that these birds do not behave in such a way. Owls tend to be active at night, but there are exceptions to this rule that will be discussed later in this article.
Why Do Owls Come Out During The Day?
Although seeing an owl during the day is not uncommon, it may spark some questions in your mind. Namely, why are owls out during the day? Shouldn’t they be sound asleep in a tree?
Seeing owls out during the day may be due to many reasons. For instance, owls during the day may appear when flushed from a roost. When this happens, owls may relocate to a new roost. An owl out during the day may also perch in the open while they decide where to hide next. Do owls come out during the day for other reasons?
Yes! Another reason that owls may come out during the day is to hunt for food. If an owl sees a good opportunity for food during the day, it may take advantage and grab the prey.
Owls may also come out during the day when they’re mobbed by other bird species. For instance, if crows find an owl during the day, they will mob the bird. Owls being mobbed by crows may flush from their perch and fly around during the day to avoid the birds.

Why Aren’t Owls Typically Active During The Day?
Most owls are naturally nocturnal. This means most owls are not accustomed to being active during the day. Moreover, those who ask, “Do owls fly during the day?” should not expect to see an owl flying around in broad daylight unless special circumstances occur.
Owls are active at night instead of day because there is less competition at night. Birds of prey like eagles, falcons, and hawks are not active at night. This means that owls have almost exclusive access to prey available at night.
To reduce competition and conflicts with other bird species, the majority of owl species are active at night instead of during the day.
Now, the nocturnal behavior of owls brings up important questions. For instance, can owls see in the day?
Can Owls See During The Day?
Some speculate that owls don’t come out during the day because their vision is too sensitive to work during the brightness of the day. Is there any truth to this – can owls see during the day?
Yes, owls are capable of seeing during the day. Although most owls certainly have sensitive vision that allows them to see in almost total darkness, their vision is not too sensitive to see during the day. Indeed, most owls have no problem seeing at this time.
So, what do owls do during the day if they’re active at night? Well, let’s investigate that question!
What Do Owls Do During The Day?
As you can imagine, there is not much for an owl to do during the day if they have to lay low all day. So, what do owls do during the day? Do owls sleep during the day?
Indeed, nocturnal owls spend much of their days sleeping and preparing for the upcoming night. However, these birds lead more eventful lives than you may expect. So, when do owls sleep, and what else do they do during the day?
Nocturnal owls may spend their days preening, tending to young, or avoiding species like crows that may mob and harass them. Owls during the day do not typically fall into a deep sleep like humans. Instead, owls in daytime awaken frequently and assess their surroundings before going back to sleep. Given the incredible hearing of many owl species, the smallest noise may cause an owl to stir from their slumber.
There are a few owls that migrate during the day, however, most owls will migrate at night.
Got it? Great! But where do owls go during the day?

Where Do Owls Go During The Day?
Do owls come out during the day? We know that most owls don’t come out during the day, so where do owls go during the day?
Nocturnal owls may roost in a variety of places as they lay low during the day. Tree cavities, dense clumps of leaves, and coniferous trees are popular roosting spots. Owls like to roost in places that provide them with lots of cover. Birders can find popular owl roosts by looking for pellets and whitewash.
Owls will spend most of their day sleeping. They may awaken occasionally to survey their surroundings, but most of their day is spent lounging at their roost.
Some may be worried if they see an owl during the day, as they may feel that the bird is in trouble. Do owls come out in the day other than in unexpected circumstances?
Is Seeing An Owl During The Day Normal?
Those who view owls in the daylight hours may wonder about the novelty of their sighting. Why would an owl be out during the day? Could this be a troubling sign?
Those who spend enough time outdoors are bound to see an owl during the day at some point. The secretive lifestyles of owls mean that you may not realize that one is nearby until you flush it from its roost. Your chances of spotting an owl that you flush are best in the winter if you live in an area where trees lose leaves.
Flushing an owl from its roost in a forest, grassland, or wetland area is not uncommon, but consider the event to be a treat when it does occur.
Is It Bad To Flush An Owl From Its Roost?
Anyone who enjoys hiking is bound to flush an owl at some point. Owls that are flushed from their roosts may perch in the open for a short time afterward as they plot their next move. This may offer you an excellent look at an owl, but where do owls go during the day after they’re flushed from their roost?

Indeed, once you know where an owl likes to roost, it is best to leave the bird alone and avoid trying to repeatedly flush the bird. Owls that perch in the open during the day may get mobbed by crows, magpies, and other songbirds. This would make it difficult for an owl to enjoy any peace and quiet until the mobbing birds have left.
Additionally, owls flushed from a roost may have young that require parental care. Intentionally flushing an owl could leave the young vulnerable to predators and bad weather. Therefore, incidentally flushing an owl is no problem, as this occurrence is often unavoidable. However, repeatedly visiting a roost and trying to flush owls is unethical and stressful for owls.
Therefore, be respectful and practice good owl etiquette when observing these birds.
What Owl Species Are Active During The Day?
By now you’ve likely noticed that I’ve alluded to the fact that some owls are active during the day. So, what owl species are active during the day?
Here are a few owl species that are active during daytime:
- Burrowing Owl
- Northern Hawk Owl
- Northern Pygmy-Owl
So, when do owls come out if they’re naturally diurnal? The answer will vary be species, with some being active for most of the daylight hours and others preferring dawn and dusk.
Why Are Some Owl Species Active During The Day?
Why are some owl species active during the day while others are nocturnal? Though most owls evolved to be active at night, some species have found success with hunting during the day.
In the case of Northern Pygmy Owls and North Hawk Owls, both species survive in remote habitats with minimal competition from other raptor species. This allows these birds to thrive during the day. However, most owls overlap with an assortment of raptor species across their range. Therefore, these owls are better off being active at night.

Do owls come out during the day? You now know that the answer to this question is “yes”. Nocturnal will come out during the day if they are spooked from their roost. They will also come out to grab an easy meal if the opportunity arises.
Most owls have evolved to be naturally nocturnal. For this reason, most owls are not inclined to be outside during the day. However, a few owl species are active during the day, while nocturnal owl species find a quiet, secluded place to roost during the day.
Let’s wrap up by quickly reviewing the main points of this article:
- Do owls come out during the day? Yes
- Where do owls go during the day? Most species roost in a quiet, private location
- Do owls sleep during the day? Yes
- Can owls see during the day? Yes
- Are owls active during the day? Yes, some owls are diurnal