The processes through which owls excrete waste can be confusing to people, as owls have different methods of getting rid of waste compared to humans. Continue reading to learn about owl pellets, owl digestive processes, and the answer to the question “How do owls poop?”.
Yes, owls do poop. These birds are known for regurgitating pellets out of their mouths, but pellets are not poop. Owls excrete poop from their rear ends once they have digested the edible parts of their prey.
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What Is An Owl Pellet?
Owls are predatory birds that eat a wide array of prey. Of course, they don’t have hands with which they can pick their prey apart. Therefore, owls instead swallow their prey whole.
While this is convenient, it creates a problem for them. You see, many animal parts cannot be digested, so owls need to find another way to get rid of such components of their prey. Fortunately, millions of years of evolution have created the perfect method for doing so: pellets.

An owl is capable of collecting undigested materials and forming them into a pellet which they then regurgitate.
While regurgitation is a helpful way for owls to remove materials that cannot be digested from their bodies, they still digest most of their prey and excrete digestible prey as owl poop.
The following materials are found in owl pellets since they cannot be digested:
- Bat Wings
- Bones
- Claws or fingernails
- Feathers
- Fur
- Scales
- Teeth
Owls process all digestible parts of their prey in their digestive tract. They convert the digestible parts of their prey into energy, and once they have absorbed all of the energy and nutrients from their prey, all that is left to do is excrete the remaining material from their bodies.
It may sound like the materials that are typically in owl pellets would be things that owls would poop out, so do owls poop out of their mouth – are owl pellets poop?
Do Owls Poop Out Of Their Mouth?
Seeing an owl regurgitate a round, brown-colored object from its mouth may prompt you to ask, “Do owls poop from their mouth?”. This may seem like an absurd premise, but you may struggle to recall the last time you would’ve seen an owl pooping from anywhere else. So, do owls regurgitate their poop from their mouths?
No, owls do not poop out of their mouth. While this would certainly be a neat trick, it turns out that the only materials they will excrete from their mouths would be pellets.
You can also differentiate owl pellets from owl feces from the color, as pellets are dark and owl droppings are white. You may wonder where owl poop is excreted if not from their mouths; do owls have cloacas?
Yes, owls do have cloacas! This is the point of the body through which all owl excrement passes.
So, why do owls poop at all if they can regurgitate unwanted materials? Well, continue reading as we go into more detail about owls pooping.

When Do Owls Poop?
Okay, we’ve learned that owl pellets are certainly not poop, but we haven’t addressed the timing of owl excrement. When do owls defecate?
Owls do not tend to stick to schedules when it comes to pooping or regurgitating pellets. Instead, they may poop or regurgitate a pellet at any point during daylight or night.
Owls poop when their cloaca has reached its maximum carrying capacity, but they excrete poop prematurely if they are startled by a human or potential predator such as a hawk. Releasing owl droppings before flying distracts potential predators and makes owls lighter.
How Often Do Owls Poop?
Now that we’ve covered some specifics about owl excrement, you may wonder about the regularity of owl droppings. How often do owls poop?
Well, it has been observed that owls defecate about once every day, and the same rate is true for regurgitating pellets.
If you stumble upon an owl roost, a good way to determine how long the bird has been perching in that specific roost would be to count the number of pellets on the ground beneath the roost.
Remember, one pellet is about equivalent to one day spent at the roost. However, this method is not entirely reliable, as pellets can degrade with time.
In hot, wet weather, an owl pellet may not last for more than a week or two. Therefore, the best time to find and count them is in the winter when the conditions are favorable for preserving fresh owl pellets.
Popular roosting locations may have 30 or more pellets that accumulate during the winter.
If an owl is present at its roost when you visit, be sure to give it plenty of space and return for pellets after the owl has migrated north following the winter. Owls that get disturbed too many times at their roost may leave the roost permanently.

What Is Whitewash?
In the birding community, owl poop is often referred to as whitewash. One look at an owl roost would quickly help anyone realize why owl droppings have earned this nickname.
A collection of owl poop will accumulate below a roosting location if owls consistently roost in the same spot every day. If you’ve wondered, “What does owl poop look like?”, then know that it is a thick, primarily white collection of goopy-looking materials.
Fresh owl poop is expelled in a dense liquid form, so accumulations of whitewash can be an array of patterns and densities, but whitewash is certainly unmistakable when it’s found.
Why Isn’t Whitewash Solid?
You may be curious to know why whitewash is excreted in a liquid form rather than a solid form. Well, if you consider the pooping habits of other bird species, you will know that whitewash is similar to other bird poop since it is liquid.
So, why is bird poop liquid? Well, this has to do with the powerful digestive enzymes and food-processing abilities that birds have.
Features like uric acid allow a bird to invest minimal effort into processing its food. Once a bird has swallowed its meal, its enzymes and food-processing body parts like its gizzard and stomach will do the rest.
Now, most birds that consume prey that has bones, scales, or other hard body parts will need to regurgitate a pellet. This is why owls need to throw up pellets after consuming a meal.
Bird species such as vultures have strong enough digestive enzymes to break down hard materials, but most birds lack potent enough enzymes to do this.

So, do owls poop? Yes, they certainly do! An owl poops out of its cloaca after it has digested and processed a meal.
Some people may be confused about the prospect of owls pooping because they also regurgitate pellets. Pellets are composed of materials that cannot be digested, meaning they are not poop. They regurgitate pellets from their mouths and defecate through out cloacas.
Here are a few key points to make sure that you’ve got the gist of this article:
- What does owl poop look like? Owl feces are bright white and runny in consistency
- Do owls have a cloaca? Yes
- Are owl pellets poop? No
- Do owls poop from their mouth? No