When most people consider relationships between birds and squirrels, they typically think of birds eating squirrels. Indeed, many can recall a time in which they’ve watched a hawk attack a squirrel – I’ve certainly seen this happen on many occasions. However, few consider that squirrels are also well-equipped to hunt birds. So, do squirrels eat birds?
Yes, squirrels may certainly eat birds! Alas, many birders may dread learning this news. Not only do squirrels steal seeds from bird feeders, but they may steal the birds themselves.
Some may be surprised to learn that squirrels have a taste for meat. Allow me to fill you in on why squirrels are interested in eating meat in the first place.
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Why do Squirrels Eat Meat?
We typically notice that squirrels eat things like corn, nuts, and other grains or seeds when we watch them in our backyards, but what do squirrels eat when they aren’t in urban settings? Do squirrels eat meat?
Squirrels are opportunistic eaters that will eat a wide array of items. Although seeds and plant matter makes up the bulk of their diets, they’ll also eat various kinds of meat. Specifically, they occasionally eat small mammals, insects, fish, carrion, and more. But how about birds – do squirrels kill birds?
Why do Squirrels Eat Birds?
Now, don’t get the wrong idea about the relationship between squirrels and birds; these two creatures can usually live among one another in peace. Indeed, squirrels are opportunistic rather than active hunters of birds. Therefore, they will not waste their energy by chasing after adult birds. Instead, they may target sick birds or other vulnerable individuals.
Now that it has been revealed that squirrels eat birds, it’s time to learn more about what causes squirrels to behave this way. Why do squirrels eat birds?

Although it doubtlessly takes squirrels more effort to capture birds compared to merely foraging for nuts, birds present a food item that is rich in protein and nutrients. With this being the case, squirrels rarely pass up on a chance for an easy bird meal. Squirrels especially love eating birds that are small and vulnerable, as such birds cannot put up much of a fight.
Do Squirrels Eat Bird Eggs?
Bird eggs are one of the best sought-after items in the animal kingdom, as just about any creature imaginable enjoys eating
bird eggs. Lizards, snakes, mammals, and even other birds love to devour bird eggs. So, can squirrels be added to the long list of creatures that eat bird eggs? Do squirrels eat bird eggs?
Yes, of course squirrels eat bird eggs! Few animals can resist eating bird eggs, and squirrels are no exception. Bird eggs provide a quick, tasty meal for a squirrel who happens to stumble upon a bird nest. Squirrels will usually have to contend with the parents of the bird eggs if they wish to consume any, however, unguarded bird eggs are frequently eaten by squirrels. Ultimately, bird eggs are one of the favorite meals of birds.

Eating bird eggs is simple for large squirrels such as gray squirrels or fox squirrels, but how about tiny red squirrels – do red squirrels eat bird eggs? Yes, red squirrels are no different than their larger cousins, as they too enjoy eating bird eggs.
Do Squirrels Eat Baby Birds?
Thousands of bird species are vulnerable to predation immediately following hatching. Baby birds may get eaten by birds like Blue Jays or succumb to other predators, but are squirrels among these predators? Do squirrels eat baby birds?
Yes, squirrels do eat baby birds! However, only certain baby birds are typically eaten by squirrels. You see, birds that produce precocial young have babies that can fend for themselves after hatching, but altricial birds are helpless and vulnerable to threats for the first couple of weeks once they’ve hatched. Considering precocial vs altricial birds, altricial birds are the most vulnerable kind of baby bird following hatching.
People commonly wonder if red squirrels have the same killer instincts as larger squirrel species. After all, it’s hard to imagine a squirrel that is so cute as a killer. So, do red squirrels eat baby birds?
Yes, red squirrels are just as bloodthirsty as other squirrels, as they regularly eat baby birds. Baby birds are a prized meal for squirrels, as they are packed with protein and minimal effort to consume.
Do Squirrels Eat Owls?
Squirrels commonly fall victim to owls, as these mammals are an ideal size for many owl species to consume. However, some wonder what happens when the tables are turned in this dynamic. Do squirrels eat owls?
No, squirrels do not eat owls. Although squirrels are happy to eat birds in many circumstances, owls are simply too difficult of a meal to subdue.

Now, there may have been a few instances where squirrels have eaten eggs or nestlings from small owl species such as Northern Saw-whet Owls or Northern Pygmy-Owls. However, a typical encounter between a squirrel and an owl involves a squirrel immediately retreating at the sight of an owl.
Do Squirrels Kill Chickens?
Those who own chickens constantly have to contend with predators who go after their prized birds. Although squirrels are not typically regarded as a threat to chickens, it’s fair to wonder if these mammals could inflict harm on these birds. So, do squirrels kill chickens?
Yes, squirrels do–occasionally–kill chickens! Yes, those who own poultry will dread discovering this news, but it is nonetheless important to know that squirrels may kill chickens. Of course, it is unlikely that a squirrel will kill a large, adult chicken. However, chicks are vulnerable to squirrel attacks.
Now, why do squirrels kill chickens? Well, this question is not well understood, as squirrels rarely kill chickens to eat them.
Instead, squirrels seemingly just kill chickens for the thrill of a kill. If you keep poultry, be sure to keep an eye on your chickens when squirrels are around.
How To Protect Birds From Squirrels
Now that we know the answer to, “Do squirrels eat birds?” is yes, some may be interested in knowing how to protect birds from squirrels. So, what are some solutions to keeping birds safe from squirrels?
Well, the best way to keep squirrel populations in check would be to support a healthy, natural ecosystem free of invasive predators like cats. Those who have owls, hawks, foxes, and other predators around won’t have to worry about the local squirrel population exploding.

However, urban environments are places where adaptable creatures like squirrels can thrive while native predators may struggle. In such environments, many assume that offering bird seed for both the birds and squirrels will be enough to satiate squirrels, but this is not necessarily the case. Instead, this may compel squirrels to linger around your property and rapidly multiply in your area.
To solve this, try removing bird feeders during summer when you rarely get birds aside from House Sparrows. This may prompt the squirrels to go elsewhere and leave nesting birds like House Finches, cardinals, and Mourning Doves alone.