Vultures are birds of prey on which humans have fixated for centuries. They are the subject of much mythology and folklore. For instance, take the story of the Miraculous Twins for example. Indeed, vultures have long captivated humans, with some cultures revering them and others fearing them. Some may have heard stories about vultures attacking humans, but do such stories have any truth to them? Do vultures attack humans?
No, vultures do not attack humans! Although they may look scary, these birds are entirely harmless. While some birds of prey such as hawks may attack humans that approach their nests too closely, vultures will not even do this. At worst, they may try to poop on you as they flee the scene.
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Are Vultures Aggressive?
Okay, so we know that vultures do not attack people, but how do vultures normally behave? Are vultures aggressive when they encounter people?

Vultures are certainly not aggressive towards people, but they may show aggression when they encounter other vultures. Indeed, tensions can soar when a group of vultures meet at a kill. Here, vultures will often get into scuffles as they jockey to get the best feeding positions.
In addition to fighting other vultures, these birds may chase off smaller birds like crows or attempt to drive away mammals who are scavenging on a kill. While vultures aren’t afraid to confront other vultures or small animals, they have no interest in messing with a human. Most vultures will fly away when a human approaches too closely.
Do Vultures Eat Humans?
You’ve undoubtedly heard tales of vultures swooping down and flying off with a child. If not, you may have heard about a group of vultures ganging up on unsuspecting victims and brutally killing them. While some stories may seem far-fetched, you may nonetheless wonder if there is any truth to such tales. Do vultures eat humans or can vultures kill humans?
Well, let’s get one thing straight: vultures absolutely do not kill humans. These birds of prey are not interested in killing people. Even if they were interested, vultures do not have the power to kill humans. Indeed, there’s no doubt that a vulture cannot kill a person. Okay, so we know that the answer to, “Can a vulture kill a human?” is no, but what if someone is already dead? Do vultures eat humans if they’re deceased?
Well, whether or not vultures will eat a dead human is a different story. If a hungry vulture happens upon a human corpse, then there is a good chance that the vulture will feed on the corpse.
Although this may seem morbid, this is what vultures have naturally evolved to do. For them, it’s just another opportunity for a meal. Some cultures even have a rich tradition of offering dead bodies to vultures, as this is often the best way to dispose of a dead body in some areas. Alas, many cultures that traditionally practiced this way of disposing of their dead have lost substantial numbers of their vultures.

What Do Vultures Eat?
If you’ve read the article to this point or have even the slightest bit of knowledge about vultures, then you probably know what they eat. However, for those who aren’t aware, let’s set the record straight. What do vultures eat?
Well, vultures specialize in eating dead animals—otherwise known as carrion. This may sound repulsive to some, but although this is not the most glamorous diet, it is extremely important.
Now, you may be thinking, “Why do vultures eat dead animals? Surely there are better things for them to eat.”. Well, if you think about it, all raptors eat dead animals. The only difference between a hawk eating a squirrel and a vulture eating a squirrel is the hawk kills the squirrel itself. Vultures eat animals after they have already died.
The reality is that all life inevitably must end, and when a creature dies, it leaves behind a nutritious body. Vultures evolved to act as nature’s clean-up crew. This is an invaluable yet underappreciated role. Without vultures, the bodies of animals would be lying around everywhere until microbes slowly decomposed them. Vultures significantly speed up the process and eliminate the possibility that a dead body may spread disease.
Do Vultures Eat Live Animals?
The concept of vultures eating dead animals is an easy one to understand, as most people knew about this fact even before reading this article. Moreover, we know that the answer to the question, “Do vultures attack humans?” is no. However, what about the stories of vultures eating live animals? Are these creatures capable of such acts – do vultures eat live animals?
No–for the most part–vultures do not eat live animals. Now, many of you have probably read about vultures killing livestock, so what’s up with that? Why do vultures attack live animals if they’re supposed to be scavengers?

Well, let’s first get something straight – not all vultures are known to kill live animals. In fact, this behavior has only been confirmed in Black Vultures. All other vultures stick to a diet of carrion. As for Black Vultures, many have painted them as these aggressive, blood-thirsty birds, but is this reality?
No, Black Vultures are typically mild-mannered birds that consume carrion. However, groups of Black Vultures have been known to kill livestock in rare circumstances. Although some reports of Black Vultures participating in such behavior are credible, many involve dubious details and unreliable information.
Indeed, in many cases, Black Vultures will be found eating a calf that is stillborn or sickly and be blamed for killing the calf. While these birds may technically put an end to the calf, the vultures are usually attracted to it in the first place because it is sickly in some way. It is extremely rare for a Black Vulture to attack and kill a healthy calf.
You may be thinking that Black Vultures sound like imposing birds, and this may lead you to wonder if they could harm a human. Do Black Vultures attack humans?
No, Black Vultures don’t attack humans, and they rarely attack live animals at all. There is no need for a person to worry about a Black Vulture!
Do Vultures Attack Dogs?
We’ve established that vultures typically do not bother live animals. However, species like Black Vultures may kill small livestock in unusual instances. So, what about pets – should pet parents worry about their precious pooches? Do vultures attack dogs?
No, vultures certainly do not attack dogs. Some have reported that they’ve seen vultures swoop down and “attack” dogs. In reality, in the rare instance where a vulture swoops at a dog, it is likely trying to drive the dog away from a nest or carcass. Vultures and dogs are both scavengers, and many vultures will not appreciate if a dog is poaching their food.
The bottom line is that pet owners should certainly not worry about a vulture flying off with their furry friend.

How Do Vultures Find Food?
It’s well-established that vultures are scavenger birds that feast on dead animals. While finding roadkill is relatively easy, think about animals that die in forested habitats or within tall grasses. How do vultures find their food when it’s not immediately visible from overhead?
How vultures find food is quite fascinating. There are plenty of vulture species that rely on their eyesight alone to locate meals. For instance, Black Vultures use this sense when they’re trying to locate their next meal. Additionally, Black Vultures look for congregations of other vultures, as this means that there is likely a meal below.
One of the birds that Black Vultures look for would be the Turkey Vulture. This is because Turkey Vultures have an unlikely secret that they use to find food: their noses! Indeed, while most birds have very poorly developed senses of smell, Turkey Vultures have an astonishingly good sense of smell. This enables them to locate prey by flying rather low and trying to detect the smell of rotting flesh – delicious!
Vultures are certainly impressive with their incredible senses of smell, but does this remarkable sense of smell make them a threat – are vultures dangerous to humans?
Are Vultures Dangerous?
Let’s do a quick recap of everything that we’ve learned in this article:
- Do vultures attack humans? No
- Are vultures aggressive to humans? No
- Vultures eat dead animals and very rarely kill sickly live animals
With all of that said, are vultures dangerous to humans?
No, vultures are certainly not dangerous to humans. Indeed, while these birds may act aggressively toward other vultures or animals, they never are interested in picking a fight with a human.
Vultures will fly off and avoid confrontation in almost any circumstance when approached by a human. Moreover, there have never been any credible reports of a vulture killing a human, and accounts of vultures attacking people are very suspect. Ultimately, vultures are friends and not foes.
Are Black Vultures Dangerous?
Recall that vultures are generally not dangerous, but what about Black Vultures? After all, these are the birds that supposedly eat livestock, remember? So, are Black Vultures dangerous to humans or animals?
Recall that I dispelled the notion about Black Vultures attacking livestock. Therefore, you can rest assured that these birds pose absolutely no threat to you and scarcely any threat to live animals such as pets or livestock.
Ultimately, Black Vultures are often the scapegoats for the deaths of animals that they had no hand in killing.
Are Turkey Vultures Dangerous?
I’ve now verified that Black Vultures are not dangerous, but what about what about their bigger, red-headed counterparts? Are Turkey Vultures dangerous?
Turkey Vultures look more imposing than Black Vultures thanks to their menacing bald, red heads and imposing size. Although they look like a scary bird, in reality, they are far more afraid of humans than we are of them. Indeed, Turkey Vultures are completely harmless. In most cases, a Turkey Vulture will immediately fly away when a human approaches too closely.
Now, if a human corners a Turkey Vulture, the bird may hiss, bite, defecate, or vomit to defend themselves, but this is a last resort for these gentle giants.
Let’s wrap up with a quick recap of what we’ve learned in this article:
- Do vultures attack humans?
- No, vultures do not attack humans.
- Are vultures dangerous?
- No, vultures pose no danger to humans.
- Do vultures eat humans?
- A vulture may eat a dead human, but they would never harm a live person.
- Are vultures aggressive?
- Vultures can be aggressive with one another, but they do not show aggression to humans unless cornered.