Puffins are charming seabirds with beautiful colours and goofy appearances. Although many Irishmen and Irishwomen are familiar with puffins, most are unsure about where they can observe these creatures. Are there puffins in Ireland, and if so, is there a list that details where to see puffins in Ireland?
Those living in Ireland will be pleased to hear that puffins can indeed be observed in their country! Of course, one will have to travel to a coastal area of Ireland for a chance to see a puffin, as they are seabirds that do not wander inland.
No matter, observing a puffin in Ireland is rather simple provided that one travels to the proper place during a time of year in which puffins are present. If you wish to see puffins in Ireland, I would encourage you to continue reading this article that describes the best places to view Irish puffins within the country. You may even learn some fun facts about Irish puffins along the way. Let’s get started!
Table of Contents
Types of Puffins In Ireland
Puffins are surely not a common sight for most in Ireland. This may prompt some to question, “Are puffins native to Ireland?”.
Well, yes – puffins are indeed native to Ireland! Although three puffin species exist only one species—the Atlantic Puffin—is native to Ireland. There have been nearly 1,500 observations of Atlantic Puffins submitted to eBird in Ireland, so they are a decently common bird for those who know where to look.

The Best Places To See Puffins (Ireland)
Those wondering how to see puffins in Ireland can’t simply show up on the coast and expect to view puffins (Ireland). Those who try to view puffins in such a way may get lucky and catch a glimpse of one of these birds. However, it is more likely that they will leave without having any success.
If you want to see an Irish puffin, you will need to consider questions such as, “Where do puffins live?” and “What is the best time to see puffins in Ireland?”. Answering these questions will put you in a good position to observe puffins.
Saltee Islands
Those wondering where to see puffins in Ireland needn’t look any furhter than the Saltee Islands. Indeed, this location will provide a spectacular opportunity to observe these seabirds. However, you’ll have to do some planning before taking a trip to this seabird sanctuary.
Of course, given that Greater and Little Saltee are islands, there is the matter of getting out there in the first place. Fortunately, a ferry service operates with reasonable regularity.
Next, you’ll want to make sure that you’re there at a time that will allow you to see a puffin in Ireland. Therefore, knowing when to visit is crucial. The best time to see puffins on Saltee Islands would be during the Ireland puffin season. This time frame runs from early April to August, but the best times to visit would be any time after late April through June.
Overall, upwards of 2,000 Saltee Islands puffins call this seabird sanctuary home during the breeding season, and it is an excellent place to view puffins in Ireland.
Cliffs of Moher
If you find yourself wondering, “Where can I see puffins in Ireland?”, then the Cliffs of Moher is an unbeatable choice. Those who want to avoid taking a ferry and still view Ireland puffins will find this location to be very appealing. These impressive cliffs nestled along the Atlantic coast provide the rugged, protective terrain that is perfect for puffins during their breeding season.

More than 30,000 seabirds can be found breeding along the Cliffs of Moher during the spring and summer. Atlantic Puffins are certainly among the most notable breeding birds, and the numbers of Cliffs of Moher puffins have been increasing here in recent years – a trend that defies the larger trend in Europe. Indeed, puffins are declining in most parts of Europe, leading them to be classified as endangered birds here.
The Cliffs of Moher puffins present the best chance that one has to observe a puffin in Ireland without having to leave the mainland. However, be sure that you visit during the breeding season to avoid missing on seeing puffins at Cliffs of Moher.
Skellig Michael
If you’re still deciding on where to view an Irish puffin, Skellig Michael may be another great choice to consider. This island and the surrounding Little Skellig islands are home to some of the most incredible seabird colonies you will ever see.
Although the small islands have minimal bird activity in the winter, the opposite is true during the spring and summer breeding seasons. During this time, birds fill every ledge imaginable and are packed in like sardines.
Those interested in visiting this impressive collection of seabirds will need to book one of several ferries that take passengers to and from the island. Although visitors enjoy seeing the puffins, Northern Gannets unquestionably steal the show here, as the Little Skellig Islands are home to the 2nd-largest Northern Gannet colony in the world.
While Skellig Michael puffins are not the main attraction here, this is nonetheless a terrific place to observe these birds.
Rathlin Island
If you’re curious about where to see puffins in Ireland, then Rathlin Island may be the perfect location for you. Located off the northern coast of Northern Ireland, it is a haven for seabirds. In fact, it has been designated as a sanctuary for Ireland puffins. Therefore, you can be confident that Rathlin Island’s breeding colony of puffins is a sight to see.

A trip to Rathlin Island during the right time of year may reward a hopeful birder with hundreds of Irish puffins. In fact, more than 1,100 Rathlin Island puffins were tallied at the colony this summer.
Although Rathlin Island is a vital breeding location for Atlantic Puffins, these birds still face perils on the island that have caused their numbers to decline by 40% in the last few decades. Luckily, a new project is underway to remove invasive predators such as ferrets and rats that may otherwise kill puffins.
With luck, Rathlin Island will be free of invasive predators within a few years.
When To See Puffins In Ireland
Those hoping to see Ireland puffins may ask, “Are there puffins in Ireland all year?”. Well, if you’ve read the whole article so far, then you’ll know that Ireland puffins cannot be observed at any time of year. No, you’ve got to catch an Irish puffin at just the right time if you hope to view these magnificent seabirds. With this in mind, when is the best time to see puffins in Ireland? In other words, when is puffin season in Ireland?
Well, those curious about when to see puffins in Ireland should attempt to view these birds during the breeding season. Puffin season (Ireland) extends from April through July. After this point, puffins depart from their breeding grounds.
Where Do Puffins Go In Winter?
Atlantic Puffins are seabirds in every sense of the word. After they’ve wrapped up the breeding season and fledged young, they immediately head out to sea. Here, they lead solitary lives that are a stark contrast to the social lives that they lead in their breeding colonies.
Puffins will travel to sea after their breeding season, and adults will not return until the following spring around April or May. Juvenile puffins–much like young penguins–will remain at sea for multiple years until they reach an age in which they are prepared to reproduce.
I’ll conclude this article about where to see puffins in Ireland by recapping some of the main points:
- Do puffins live in Ireland?
- Yes, puffins breed along the coasts of Ireland.
- When is puffin season in Ireland?
- Irish puffin season runs from April through July.
- Where are the puffins in Ireland?
- Puffins breed on offshore islands and a few coastal areas of Ireland.
- When do puffins leave Ireland?
- Puffins will begin to depart Ireland in August and remain out at sea until the following spring.