Herons are large birds that eat surprisingly varied diets, in fact, some people will be shocked by things included in a heron diet. Fortunately, the distinct nature of heron diets can be used to separate these birds from similar creatures like cranes. So, what do herons eat?
Well, I will get into the diets of herons, but I first need to clear up a few questions that people commonly have about herons:
• Are herons carnivores?
• Are herons predators?
These are common inquiries that people have about herons, and it turns out the answer to both questions would be yes. Herons and egrets are predatory birds that consume a plethora of animal species.
Okay, with this information in mind, let’s examine a typical heron diet. What do herons eat?
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What Do Herons Eat?
Many are used to seeing herons in aquatic habitats where they leisurely wade through water looking for a meal. However, many are unsure as to what food herons are looking for in such habitats. What do herons eat?
Herons and egrets are skilled hunters that eat an astonishing variety of small animals including fish, insects, amphibians, reptiles, crustaceans, mammals, and birds. Basically, herons will devour anything that they think can fit down their gullets. Moreover, it’s important to note that herons are strictly carnivorous; they do not eat any plant materials. This is a key difference between herons and similar-looking cranes.
Now that I’ve generally answered the question, “What do herons eat?” let’s discuss the specifics of how herons hunt their prey. How do herons eat?
How Do Herons Eat?
Some may be surprised by all of the different animals that herons can eat. This may prompt curiosity about how herons manage to capture their prey. So, how do herons eat?

Well, if you’re thinking that herons are agile predators that chase down their prey, you would be quite mistaken. Instead, herons utilize a hunting style that is quite the opposite of this tactic. Yes, herons are sit-and-wait predators. This means that a heron will stake out a good hunting spot in which they stand motionless and wait for prey to pass by.
When prey gets within striking distance, a heron will lash out with their necks and capture prey in their bills. Herons then have to swallow their prey whole. They cannot tear prey apart like creatures such as owls or hawks. Instead, they simply have to swallow the entirety of their prey. Although this is typically not a problem for herons, there have been instances in which herons have died from choking on prey that is too large.
Do Herons Eat Ducks?
Ducks and herons can often be found in the same wetland habitats. In fact, some ducks will even go after some of the fish that herons love to eat. Although herons and ducks seemingly coexist in peace for most of the time, it’s fair to wonder if herons ever try to consume ducks. So, do herons eat ducks? More specifically, do herons eat Mallard ducks?
Well, eating a full-grown duck is a massive undertaking for birds such as herons, as even the largest heron species would struggle to capture and swallow an adult duck. Swallowing a creature such as a mature Mallard would be impossible for these birds, as they are simply too large.
Aside from the difficult task of swallowing an adult duck, herons would also have to capture a duck. This would be a substantial challenge for a heron, as these creatures are not especially nimble.

Ultimately, it would be very unusual for a heron to eat an adult duck. However, if you’re merely wondering, “Can herons eat ducks?” then the answer is yes.
Do Herons Eat Ducklings?
Although eating ducks is typically not in the realm of possibility of herons, ducklings are smaller and seemingly more manageable meals. However, do herons actually take advantage of consuming ducklings when an opportunity arises – do herons eat ducklings?
Yes, herons absolutely eat ducklings! There have been thousands of instances in which herons or egrets have been observed eating ducklings, so it seems that ducklings are readily eaten by herons.
It may seem cruel for herons to eat creatures like ducklings, but no animals pass up a duckling meal simply because they’re cute. Indeed, ducklings are practically chicken nuggets for wild animals, with hundreds of creatures savoring a chance to eat them. It is because so many animals eat ducklings that ducks lay such large clutches of eggs.
Do Herons Eat Other Birds?
We know that herons have no reservations about eating ducks, but it’s reasonable to wonder how they feel about eating some of their other feathered counterparts. Do herons eat other birds aside from ducks?
Yes, herons will certainly eat other birds in addition to eating ducklings! In fact, herons have even been known to eat other herons. Any bird that is small enough to fit down a heron’s throat is fair game for these predators.
Of course, herons are not likely nimble enough to capture mature songbirds. However, they happily prey on unsuspecting marsh birds like coots, gallinules, and young songbirds.
Do Herons Eat Turtles?
Turtles and herons occupy many of the same wetland environments, so it’s not a stretch to wonder if herons consume turtles if an opportunity presents itself. So, do herons eat turtles?

Well, it turns out that herons rarely eat adult turtles. You see, these reptiles are difficult for herons to grip with their bills thanks to their slippery shells.
Now, baby turtles are a different story. Indeed, herons will definitely eat baby turtles when the opportunity arises. However, this should not come as a surprise, as most predatory animals enjoy eating baby turtles.
Overall, turtles are only eaten very occasionally by herons.
Do Herons Eat Snakes?
Although many people are intimidated by snakes, a plethora of predatory creatures view snakes as an easy meal. It is therefore reasonable to wonder if herons feel this way. Do herons eat snakes?
Yes, herons very much enjoy eating snakes. There are plenty of snakes that slither through the wet marshes and meadows in which herons hunt, and it is rather common to see a heron grappling with a snake as it tries to subdue the creature.
Of course, snakes are creatures that are more well-equipped to retaliate compared to other things that a heron might eat. A venomous snake like a cottonmouth could kill a heron, whereas large snakes such as invasive pythons in the Florida Everglades could easily kill herons.
This does not stop herons from eating snakes, but these birds have to be more cautious around this prey compared to other prey items.
Do Herons Eat Frogs?
Frogs and tadpoles are abundant within the wetland habitats that herons frequent, so surely these creatures would encounter one another regularly. Considering this, do herons eat frogs?
Yes, there’s no doubt that herons eat frogs. Frogs are delicious and easy meals for herons, and there are plenty of instances in which photographers have documented herons devouring frogs.

It makes sense that herons would enjoy eating frogs, as these amphibians can’t put up much of a fight. Moreover, even the smallest heron species have little problem taking down adult frogs, as frogs simply do not get that large. Ultimately, frogs are one of the most common prey items for herons.
What Fish Do Herons Eat?
It’s no secret that herons eat fish. Indeed, when considering the question, “What do herons eat?” most people immediately think of fish. Therefore, anglers may be interested in knowing if herons are competing with them for certain fish species. What fish do herons eat?
Herons will eat just about any fish species that they can capture. Therefore, anglers won’t have any reason to blame herons for stealing all of the coveted fish from an area.
It makes perfect sense that herons can’t be too choosy when eating fish. After all, they don’t have time to consider what kind of fish they’re about to attack before they lash out and strike. Instead, they must simply strike while a fish is in range before it has a chance to get away.
Although herons are not picky fish eaters, they do recognize the difference between certain fish species, as they’ve been known to fly to shore with fish that have barbs before trying to eat them.
Can Herons Eat Large Koi?
Alright, consuming fish in the wild is one thing, but herons are notorious for their tendencies to eat fish kept at commercial fisheries and those kept at private residences. Those who keep koi may be especially annoyed by herons, but can herons eat large koi?

As those who keep koi know, these fish can grow to substantial sizes. In fact, it’s not uncommon for some varieties to exceed three feet long. However, typical domestic koi varieties only grow to be about 12 to 16 inches. Although this makes them a considerable size, it will still not deter herons from at least attempting to eat them. Therefore, those who keep koi may want to put some sort of protective heron netting over their ponds when they’re not present to watch over the area.
Do Herons Eat Mice?
Mice are devoured by just about every predatory species big enough to consume them, but few consider mice when thinking about the question, “What do herons eat?”. Are herons among the many creatures that gobble up these small mammals – do herons eat mice?
Yes, herons–unsurprisingly–eat mice. Just like thousands of other carnivorous animals, herons are happy when an opportunity to eat a mouse presents itself. These small creatures are a perfect size for herons to swallow, and they hardly have to do any work to subdue these animals.
Do Herons Eat Squirrels?
Squirrels are creatures that will occasionally eat birds, but what happens when the tables are turned and birds target squirrels for a meal – will herons be among the birds that dine on squirrels? Do herons eat squirrels?
Yes, there have been dozens of reports and images that detail herons eating squirrels. Now, squirrels are not the first animals that come to mind when envisioning wetland habitats, but they may turn up in such places occasionally.
Moreover, herons like Great Blue Herons can be quite adaptable, hunting in places devoid of water such as parks and lawns.
Make no mistake about it – herons will happily eat a squirrel when the opportunity arises.
What do herons eat? Well, these large wading birds eat a surprisingly diverse diet of small animals. Anything from snakes to squirrels are fair game for herons. One important thing to note about herons is that they are predators. You won’t find these birds eating plants, but don’t be surprised if you catch one with a huge fish in its bill.