Anyone who has spent time in a big city can confirm that a pigeon diet is remarkably diverse. Indeed, these creatures will have been recorded consuming a baffling amount of different foods. Many pigeons have grown so accustomed to eating human foods that most people are unsure as to what these birds eat in the wild. So, what do pigeons eat?
Well, I’m going to be describing an assortment of different foods eaten by wild or feral pigeons. To be clear, I’m going to be focusing on the Rock Pigeon – the species of pigeon that is ubiquitous in big cities throughout the globe. Pigeons found within cities are not generally considered to be wild. Rather, they are referred to as “feral”. Of course, there are other species of pigeons, but I’ll just focus on the Rock Pigeon.
So, what can pigeons eat? Let’s find out!
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What Do Pigeons Eat?
The sheer amount of different food items that are consumed by pigeons can make it difficult for anyone to keep track of what they eat. Although they certainly eat an impressive number of foods, there are some foods that they prefer more than others. So, what do pigeons eat?
Wild pigeons primarily consume seeds, grain, and fruits, with bugs being occasionally eaten. The diets of these birds are straightforward, and they rarely deviate from eating these foods. However, as you’ll soon find out, feral pigeons have much more varied diets.

What Do Baby Pigeons Eat?
Most baby birds cannot eat the same foods as adults in the days following hatching, and baby pigeons are no different. Considering pigeons are blind and helpless at birth, there’s no way they can forage for their own food. So, what do baby pigeons eat?
It turns out that baby pigeons eat pigeon milk! What?! Are pigeons mammals if they can produce milk? Don’t worry; pigeons are not mammals, as the “milk” that they produce is not the same as the milk that mammals produce. Instead, adult pigeons process food into a milk-like substance that they can regurgitate to their young.
Both male and female pigeons feed pigeon milk to their babies. The baby pigeons only rely on this milk for about the first 8 days of their life. After this point, they begin to eat foods that adult pigeons would eat.
Now, adult pigeons obviously don’t feed one another milk, so what do pigeons eat after they’ve left the nest?
Can Pigeons Eat Rice?
Rice is a food that is rumored to be very harmful to pigeons, as many believe that uncooked rice will expand within a pigeon’s crop and cause them harm. Considering this, can pigeons eat rice?
Yes, pigeons can eat rice, as the notion that this food could expand within them and harm them is a myth. Now, although pigeons can eat rice, it may not be the best food for these birds. This is so because many varieties of rice offer minimal nutritional value.
Still, rice is known to be consumed in a wild pigeon diet on occasion, and there are far worse foods for pigeons.
Can Pigeons Eat Bread?
Those who have ever seen pigeons being fed on television would think that bread is the quintessential pigeon food, but do pigeons sincerely love bread that much? More importantly, can pigeons eat bread?

There’s no question that pigeons can eat bread, but the question worth asking is whether or not pigeons should be eating bread. Bread is a food that is offered to a wide array of birds from ducks to kookaburras. However, the same advice can be followed no matter the bird: bread should only be given to birds in moderation, as it is simply not as nutritious as other foods that birds may eat.
If you must feed bread to pigeons, offer them breads that are full of various seeds and grains and devoid of preservatives. Got it? Great! Now, you may recall that I mentioned that pigeons eat insects occasionally, so what do pigeons eat when it comes to insects?
Do Pigeons Eat Bees?
Bees are an insect that is rather scarce in big cities to begin with, so many would be bummed if pigeons ate these creatures. Do pigeons eat bees?
No, pigeons do not eat bees! Although these birds may eat insects occasionally, there is no evidence to suggest that bees are part of a typical pigeon diet. Purple Martins, flycatchers, and bee-eaters will gladly devour bees, but pigeons do not pursue these beneficial insects.
Do Pigeons Eat Mealworms?
Mealworms are a bug that is commonly offered to attract birds, as they are widely available and easy for most birds to digest and many species find them to be delicious. What about pigeons – do pigeons eat mealworms?
Yes, mealworms are one of the few insects that pigeons will be inclined to eat if they encounter them. While pigeons don’t commonly visit bird feeders, they would gladly gobble up mealworms if they find them in a location in which they routinely forage.
Can Pigeons Eat Chocolate?
Most people would be thrilled to find a bar of chocolate lying around, but it’s fair to wonder how pigeons feel about chocolate. Can pigeons eat chocolate?

Obviously, pigeons are capable of ingesting chocolate, but this does not mean that chocolate is something that they should be eating. In fact, chocolate can be a very harmful food for pigeons to consume considering all of the sugar, preservatives, and fats within most chocolate.
Ultimately, no bird should be fed food such as chocolate, as it could make them feel very sick.
Do Pigeons Eat Meat?
When considering birds with carnivorous diets, pigeons are likely not creatures that will come to mind. Still, it’s fair to wonder if pigeons would ingest meat if it were offered to them. Do pigeons eat meat?
No, pigeons do not naturally eat meat. However, some pigeons have been known to eat scraps of meat that are given to them. However, such foods are probably not good for pigeons to eat, as they’re not accustomed to eating the sodium and fats in these foods.
Okay, now that I’ve addressed human foods, I can talk about some natural foods that pigeons may like. So, what do pigeons eat regarding natural foods?
Do Pigeons Eat Sunflower Seeds?
Sunflower seeds are among the most common foods offered by those who feed birds in their backyards, as they are appealing in many ways. Of course, sunflower seeds are not the first thing that comes to mind when considering the question, “What do pigeons eat?”. Nonetheless, do pigeons eat sunflower seeds?
Yes, pigeons do eat sunflower seeds! This is a food that pigeons would happily gorge themselves on, as sunflower seeds are a nutritious and tasty meal for them.
Those interested in feeding pigeons in a park or another part of the city may want to consider offering sunflower seeds, as they’re an affordable and delicious snack.
Can Pigeons Eat Oats?
Oats are not a food that many consider when choosing a snack for birds. However, it may be time to give more consideration to these seeds, as they’re a snack that dozens of birds love. What about pigeons, though – can pigeons eat oats?

Yes, pigeons will readily eat oats when they’re available! Birds within the dove family are adapted to consume seeds such as oats, so many of the food items that pigeons naturally enjoy eating are similar to oats.
Can Pigeons Eat Almonds?
Almonds are sizable nuts that many birds would have a difficult time eating unless they are broken into small pieces, but it’s fair to wonder if a sizable bird like a pigeon can eat almonds. Can pigeons eat almonds?
Pigeons will attempt to ingest whole almonds, and though some are successful in doing so, these foods can be a choking hazard for pigeons. Therefore, it’s best to offer almonds that have been processed in some sort of way, as this makes it much easier for pigeons to eat them.
While birds like Blue Jays could break almonds into smaller pieces with their powerful bills, pigeons are not equipped with bills that can be used to pulverize items like almonds.
Can Pigeons Eat Blueberries?
Blueberries are well-known for being a healthy food item, and they’re seemingly the perfect size to offer as a snack to birds like pigeons, but can pigeons eat blueberries?
Yes, pigeons can eat blueberries! These fruits are perfectly healthy for pigeons, but many pigeons will be hesitant to ingest blueberries since they aren’t a familiar food item. However, some pigeons may learn to love blueberries once they try them.