Worldwide Birder

What Do Seagulls Eat? Revealing Shocking Seagull Diets

Those who know anything about seagulls can tell you that these birds seemingly eat anything. Indeed, people will be hard-pressed to find food that a seagull will not devour. However, some may be curious to know where gulls draw the line. So, what do seagulls eat?

I’ll be going through a long laundry list of different foods and discussing whether or not seagulls eat such things. Stick with me as I discuss a typical seagull diet and reveal some surprising foods that seagulls eat. Let’s begin!

Table of Contents

What Do Seagulls Eat?

The wide array of different foods consumed by seagulls is astonishing. For instance, do seagulls eat meat? Yes, they do – but that’s not all. Indeed, these birds eat far more than just meat. So, what do seagulls eat?

Seagulls will eat just about anything they can fit in their mouths. These opportunistic creatures eat fish, crustaceans, reptiles, amphibians, birds, and mammals. However, these items are merely the tip of the iceberg when it comes to a typical seagull diet, as they’ll also eat a variety of berries, seeds, and human foods.

Let’s more thoroughly investigate seagull diets by looking at specific examples of different foods. Read on as I investigate the question, “What do seagulls eat in the wild?”.

Do Seagulls Eat Fish?

A gull prepares to swallow a fish.
Fish are often among the favorite foods of seagulls.

Do seagulls eat fish? Well, if you read the previous section, then you’ll know that the answer to this question is yes.

However, you may be curious about the kinds of fish that seagulls choose to consume. So, what fish do seagulls eat? Seagulls are not picky eaters of fish – they will consume just about any fish that they can capture. Since seagulls migrate through freshwater and saltwater habitats throughout the year, they may consume hundreds of different fish species.

Seagulls are not proficient anglers like birds such as kingfishers or osprey. Instead, they feed opportunistically on dead fish that wash ashore or struggling fish that swim near the water’s surface. Overall, fish are among the favorite foods of gulls.

Do Seagulls Eat Crabs?

Although crabs won’t be found at any of the freshwater habitats in which some seagulls breed, these crustaceans are common at many of the beaches that seagulls frequent. So, do seagulls eat crabs?

Yes, seagulls certainly love eating crabs! Although the tough exterior of many crabs gives these creatures some protection, their defenses are still no match for seagulls. Indeed, seagulls are happy to take the time to pick at a crab to discard the undesirable pieces before devouring the food.

Although seagulls are happy to snatch live crabs, they often end up consuming dead crabs that wash ashore on beaches or those who die from being stranded by low tide.

Do Seagulls Eat Jellyfish?

Jellyfish are delicious yet dangerous meals for a variety of animals. Though they provide a good source of food, they must be eaten with caution. Would seagulls dare to consume them – do seagulls eat jellyfish?

Yes, seagulls do eat jellyfish! This may surprise some, but gulls never pass up an opportunity for a jellyfish meal. So, do seagulls swim underwater to capture jellyfish?

A gull flips a crab into its mouth.
Crabs and jellyfish are happily consumed by gulls.

No, seagulls rarely–if ever–capture live jellyfish, as they’re not equipped to hunt these animals. Instead, seagulls are content to eat dead jellyfish that wash ashore on the beaches that they frequent.

Do Seagulls Eat Starfish?

Starfish are a diverse group of marine invertebrates that are commonly found within the same habitats as gulls. This begs the question: Do seagulls eat starfish?

Yes, seagulls will definitely eat starfish when given an opportunity to do so. Dead starfish are easy meals, but seagulls will also consume live starfish if they can find them. Indeed, these birds may prowl around tidal pools where starfish hang out to try to capture them.

Do Seagulls Eat Squirrels?

When considering the question, “What do seagulls eat in the wild?” few people consider squirrels as being part of a seagull diet. However, there are plenty of videos that seem to show seagulls devouring these furry rodents. So, do seagulls eat squirrels?

Although most people consider hawks or other raptors when thinking about birds that eat squirrels, they should consider adding seagulls to such a list, as they undoubtedly consume squirrels.

This may be perplexing to some, as I’ve stated that seagulls are not prolific predators. So, why can seagulls eat squirrels?

Well, a seagull is unlikely to swoop down and capture a squirrel. Instead, they may prey on squirrels that grow accustomed to their presence. Yes, seagulls may routinely rest and sleep around squirrels and cause these rodents to become used to them. Eventually, squirrels may let their guards down, giving seagulls the perfect opportunity to grab one.

Do Seagulls Eat Other Birds?

It’s no secret that birds such as crows may eat other birds, but are seagulls also apt to eat their feathered kin? Let’s explore this thought – do seagulls eat other birds?

A Herring Gull shovels food down its throat.
Seagulls do not shy away from eating other birds when given a chance.

Yes, seagulls will undoubtedly eat other birds! This may seem cruel, but other birds often provide an important opportunity for seagulls to enjoy a quick and easy meal.

Now, seagulls rarely go after mature birds, as it is simply too difficult for they’re simply too difficult to subdue. However, young birds and bird eggs are often on the menu. Baby birds that are unguarded by their parents are easy targets for gulls.

In fact, young birds are one of the most common foods eaten by gulls in colonies with other birds.

Do Seagulls Eat Pigeons?

Pigeons and seagulls are some of the few birds that have adapted to life in big cities. Although there are plenty of scraps of human food to go around, seagulls often want a more substantial meal. So, do seagulls eat pigeons?

Most seagulls do not hunt pigeons, as they lack the experience and skills necessary to catch these birds. However, a select few gulls have developed pigeon-hunting skills. It is certainly impressive that a few gulls have adapted to hunt pigeons, as they lack the talons that raptors use to grab prey.

While most seagulls cannot hunt live pigeons, any seagulls would gladly eat a pigeon that is already dead.

Do Seagulls Eat Puffins?

Puffins are some of the most beloved birds in the world, but is it risky for them to live amongst gulls? Do seagulls eat puffins?

Yes, seagulls do–unfortunately–eat puffins occasionally. Puffin aficionados will be upset by this news, and many will be quick to blame seagulls for puffins being endangered in some parts of the world. However, the reality is that gulls consume small numbers of puffins and are not likely to have much impact on puffin populations.

A Ring-billed Gull stands in shallow water.
Puffins occasionally find themselves on the menu for seagulls.

Although seagulls may eat adult puffins, they are much bigger threats to puffin chicks. Puffins eggs are typically safe from gulls since puffins tend to breed in burrows, but young puffins are vulnerable to attacks from gulls soon after they emerge from their burrows.

Do Seagulls Eat Turtles?

Everyone is familiar with footage of baby turtles scurrying to the sea after hatching from their eggs. This is often a hard experience to watch, as many of the turtles are picked off by predators before reaching the ocean. It’s fair to wonder if gulls are one of the predators that eat turtles. So, do seagulls eat turtles?

Yes, seagulls would absolutely eat turtle hatchlings whenever an opportunity arises. Indeed, the young of both sea turtles and freshwater turtle species could be sought by gulls, as they provide easy meals given that the young turtles offer little resistance.

Do Seagulls Eat Worms?

Those who consider the question, “What do seagulls eat?” probably aren’t thinking that worms will be a coveted item for gulls, but should worms be ignored? Do seagulls eat worms?

While worms are coveted by creatures such as robins, gulls will not pass up a chance for a worm snack! Indeed, gulls may eat earthworms or some of the dozens of worm species that can be found in the marine environments in which gulls often thrive.

Do Seagulls Eat Humans?

If you’ve read the article to this point, you may be thinking that it seems like these birds will eat anything. Some people may find it concerning that seagulls seemingly eat everything. Therefore, it’s worth exploring the threats that seagulls pose to people. Do seagulls eat humans?

A young Ring-billed Gull pulls an earthworm from a marsh.
Seagulls love eating worms, but humans don’t need to worry about being devoured by these birds.

No, seagulls absolutely do not eat humans! Although they are formidable from the perspective of small animals, seagulls pose no risk to human safety.

Of course, seagulls can be plenty annoying to people who have gotten food stolen by these birds. However, it’s ultimately important to remember that seagulls are protected birds, so even though some may wish harm on these birds, it is illegal to hurt gulls.

Can Seagulls Eat Bread?

Bread is a food that is commonly fed to waterfowl despite the horrible impact that it has been proven to have on them. Is feeding bread to gulls any better – can seagulls eat bread?

Well, we should not be curious about whether or not seagulls eat bread. Obviously, seagulls will take any chance they get to consume bread. However, we should be asking if bread is a food that seagulls should be eating. Though a gull will enjoy eating bread, this human food is quite bad for them, so they should not be supplied with bread.

What Human Foods Can Seagulls Eat?

Let’s go through a few more human foods that people may be inclined to feed to gulls:

  • Can Seagulls Eat Chocolate? No, chocolate can be toxic to birds, so it should not be fed to gulls.
  • Can Seagulls Eat Popcorn? Although gulls can eat popcorn, this is a treat that should not be fed to them.
  • Can Seagulls Eat Grapes? Grapes are not toxic to gulls, and they’re far better treats than most other human foods.

Why Do Seagulls Eat Everything?

Those who think that gulls eat everything are not too far off, as these birds will devour most foods that will fit into their mouths. However, some may wonder why gulls have evolved to behave in such a way.

A gull picks at a dead fish.
Seagulls are opportunistic scavengers that have evolved to eat just about anything.

Why do seagulls eat everything?

While some birds have evolved to eat a very specific assortment of food items, this is not the case for gulls. You see, seagulls are opportunistic scavengers that will eat anything that appears to be food.

Whether that possible meal happens to be a french fry or squirrel does not matter to gulls, as they’re happy to eat anything that offers a simple snack.

This lifestyle has allowed gulls to colonize most of the earth and find tremendous success where other birds have failed. One caveat to the generalization that gulls eat everything is that not all gulls behave this way. Indeed, many species rarely depart from dietary staples like fish, crustaceans, and invertebrates, while other species are happy to eat human food.


What do seagulls eat? It turns out that these birds eat many different foods, so let’s do a quick recap:

  • Do seagulls eat fish? Yes
  • Do seagulls eat crabs? Yes
  • Do seagulls eat jellyfish? Yes
  • Do seagulls eat starfish? Yes
  • Do seagulls eat squirrels? Yes
  • Do seagulls eat other birds? Yes
  • Do seagulls eat pigeons? Yes
  • Do seagulls eat puffins? Yes
  • Do seagulls eat turtles? Yes
  • Do seagulls eat worms? Yes
  • Do seagulls eat humans? No