Worldwide Birder

Where To See Puffins In Scotland – 5 Unforgettable Locations

Puffins are endearing seabirds who warm the hearts of anyone lucky enough to observe them. Puffins will not be found inland, but they breed along cliffs adjacent to oceans. There is plenty of habitat available to puffins in the UK, but are there puffins in Scotland? Indeed! Scotland is certainly among the best places in the UK to see puffins.

For those interested in knowing where to see puffins in Scotland, this article is for you. I’ve created this thorough guide to let readers know of the best places to see puffins (Scotland). I’ll also discuss when to see puffins in Scotland so you can view these birds at an optimal time of year. Let’s discuss Scottish puffins!

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Types of Puffins In Scotland

Although three puffin species exist, only one species–the Atlantic Puffin–is native to Scotland. In fact, Atlantic Puffins are the only puffins in the UK that can be found. While Scotland puffins are not diverse, the sheer numbers that can be observed are quite impressive.

Alright, now that you know more about UK puffins, you may ask, “Where can you see puffins in Scotland?”. Well, let’s find out!

Where To See Puffins In Scotland?

Scottish puffins can’t be found just anywhere, so where can I see puffins in Scotland?

Well, don’t expect to see a puffin in Scotland swimming inland on a loch. Instead, look for them near the sea. Searching for the breeding colonies of puffins will provide the best opportunity to observe these birds. It is possible to observe puffins when they’re not in the setting of their breeding colonies, but it is significantly more challenging to find them.

An Atlantic Puffin stands in a field of small, white flowers.
Puffins are readily found in their breeding colonies during the spring and summer.

Fortunately, puffins can be relatively easy to find during their breeding season. Indeed, this is the best time to see puffins in Scotland. Ultimately, more than 5,000 observations of Scotland puffins have been submitted to eBird. So, if you’re wondering where to see puffins in Scotland, don’t go anywhere!

Best Places To See Puffins In Scotland

Fair Isle

Fair Isle is among the best places to see puffins in Scotland. This remote island, measuring 5 km long by 2.4 km wide, is a haven for puffins during the breeding season. Therefore, those curious about where to find puffins in Scotland need not look any further than Fair Isle.

The puffin colony of Fair Isle, which numbers more than 1,000 birds, is constantly busy with tending to their young. Fortunately for them, Fair Isle features days that have more than 19 hours of daylight during the summer.

Few visitors travel to Fair Isle, making it a wonderful spot for Scotland puffins and other seabirds to raise their young. While puffins covet the remote nature of Fair Isle, it is challenging for puffin fans to access the island and view these birds. In fact, this island is considered by some to be Scotland’s most isolated island.

Despite the challenge of accessing Fair Isle, there are still opportunities for visitors to travel to the island.

Handa Island

Handa Island, located off the Northwest coast of Highland County, is a beautiful escape for anyone looking for serenity. Not only is Handa Island a stunning retreat for humans, but it is a bustling breeding colony for Atlantic Puffins. Therefore, those wondering where to see puffins in Scotland would be wise to consider this location.

More than 200 pairs of puffins can be found on Handa. Although the puffins are impressive, their numbers pale in comparison to species like Razorbills, Black-legged Kittiwakes, and Common Murres. It is thought that there may be close to 100,000 seabirds that breed here annually. Those curious about when to see puffins in Scotland will be delighted to know that Scotland puffins are present here from May through early August.

An Atlantic Puffin holds a fish in its beak as it stands within a patch of grass.
Atlantic Puffins are regular breeders on Handa Island, but the numbers of other seabirds are more impressive.

Accessing Handa Island is relatively simple: all you need to do is depart from the Handa ferry that leaves near Tarbet. You can then explore the island from its boardwalks or walk its beaches.

Isle of May

The Isle of May is an island off of Scotland’s southeast coast. The island is rather tiny, being about 1.5 km long and only 0.5 km wide. Scotland has many renowned islands, but the Isle of May is usually not among those mentioned despite being a tremendous place where you can see puffins in Scotland.

However, this location is a tremendous spot to observe puffins, perhaps being the best place to see puffin in Scotland. Indeed, the island may as well be nicknamed “Puffin Island, Scotland” as these seabirds are prolific here.

Those wondering where to find puffins in Scotland need not look any further than the Isle of May, as some estimates suggest that more than 100,000 of these cute seabirds breed here.

Many other seabird species call the isle home, with more than 250,000 seabirds being found here during summer. The entirety of the island is a wildlife sanctuary, with no one other than biologists calling the island home. The island is readily accessible via a ferry that departs from North Berwick.

Sumburgh Head Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB)

Scotland’s Shetland Islands are among the premier locations to observe puffins in Scotland thanks to their isolated nature and extensive cliffs and ample breeding habitat. Although many who visit mainland Scotland may ask about where to find puffins in Scotland, those who visit the Shetland Islands during the breeding season will see no shortage of these creatures.

Sumburgh Head RSPB is a birder’s best bet for finding puffins within the Shetland Islands, as several hundred pairs breed here during puffin season in spring and summer. Although these numbers are considerable, they have drastically declined in the last 25 years. Whereas puffin numbers exceeded 30,000 on Shetland in 2000, there were scarcely more than 500 birds in 2018.

An Atlantic Puffin sits on a grassy cliff with the ocean in the background.
The number of puffins within Shetland has declined dramatically in the last few decades.

This is certainly an alarming decline in puffin numbers, and these declines have been experienced throughout much of Europe. This has led the Atlantic Puffin to be classified as endangered here. No matter, Sumburgh Head remains a valuable breeding location for puffins and many other species, and it is certainly worth a trip for those visiting Shetland.

Isle of Lunga

The Isle of Lunga off of Scotland’s west coast is the largest island within the Treshnish Isles, but don’t get the wrong idea – this island is quite tiny. In fact, the Isle of Lunga is only 81 hectares in size. However, if you’re asking yourself, “Where can I see puffins in Scotland?” then this may be the place for you.

Despite its tiny size, visiting this island is a tremendous experience for those interested in viewing a puffin in Scotland. If you want to know how to see puffins in Scotland, look no further than a trip to the Isle of Lunga. Whereas puffins are often not especially numerous compared to other nesting seabirds at most other locations in Scotland, they dominate at Lunga.

In fact, upwards of 10,000 Atlantic Puffins are regularly reported at this location. Moreover, the puffins at Lunga are often seemingly unbothered by visitors, allowing many to approach closely. However, just because you can approach within a few feet of these Scotland puffins doesn’t mean you should. Remember, puffins need all the rest they can get during the breeding season. It is courteous to give them space and allow them to recover from the intensity of the breeding season.

Are There Puffins In Scotland For The Whole Year?

Those who read through this article in its entirety will notice that I made many references to puffin breeding seasons. This time of year is certainly the best time to see puffins in Scotland, as they’re concentrated in dense colonies where they are easy to observe. While spring and summer are the best times to see puffins in Scotland, are there puffins in Scotland during other times of the year?

An Atlantic Puffin looks at the sea below as it stands on a cliff.
Atlantic Puffins can be found off of Scotland’s coasts all year, but they only come ashore during the breeding season.

Yes, puffins can be found off the coasts of Scotland during any time of year! However, sightings outside of the breeding season are sporadic and unpredictable, as puffins spend the nonbreeding season out at sea. This means that they will not be found perching on cliffs as they do during the breeding season. Moreover, puffins are solitary birds when they’re not within their family units, so they will not be spotted in groups in autumn or winter.

Therefore, sharp-eyed birders may be able to spot puffins foraging at sea during the nonbreeding season, but puffins in the UK are only reliably observed in spring and summer puffin season. Those curious about when to see puffins in Scotland should not attempt to view them in the fall and winter, for it is likely that attempts to see them will fail.